Soda imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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Another thank you imagine. Sorry if it sucks. I'm a little tired. I hope you like it though.
I sat down on at the table on the side of the gym and smoothed out my blue dress. Ponyboy was dancing with Emily (A/N sorry I had to, plus you'll see why later on😊) and he looked so nervous. Poor thing. It was exactly how Soda acted when he asked me to be his girl. I smiled to myself when Emily laid her head on his shoulder and he blushed a deep red, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. "Wanna dance?" I looked up to see Bob standing there. "No thanks." The only reason I was here was because Emily convinced me to go since Soda was at work and I'd have to be at the Curtis' alone tonight. Come to think of it, Soda's been avoiding me a lot lately. "Come on doll, let's go." Bob grabbed my arm. I tried my hardest to pull away but I couldn't. "LET HER GO!" I spun around to see Soda standing there, in a tux, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, looking mad as ever. Bob let go of my arm and walked away muttering, "Stupid greaser." Soda almost went after him, but I caught his arm and stopped him. Afterwards I hugged him tight. "Soda. What are you doing here?" He kissed the top of my head. "I came to see you Katy. I couldn't let my girl be here all alone." I blushed. Then Emily and Ponyboy came over. Soda pulled Pony on the side while Emily and I talked. "Are you okay Katy?" Emily asked. I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Did you know Soda was going to be here?" She shook her head. Then the boys came back over just as a slow song came on. "W-wanna dance Emily?" Pony asked nervously and stuffed his hands in his pockets. She blushed and took his hand. Seconds later they were in each other's arms, swaying to the music. "Katy?" I turned to face Soda. "Do you wanna dance?" He asked, a nervous smile tugging on his lips. I laughed a little as he took my hand and lead me onto the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. After a few seconds, I noticed that he was staring at me. "What?" I asked with a slight chuckle. He slowly leaned foreword until his lips were on mine. I felt him smile into the kiss. After a few seconds we pulled away. Soda looked more nervous now than he did before. "Is everything-" I was cut off by a spotlight shining directly on us. Everyone stopped dancing and looked over at us. Soda took my hands and looked me directly in the eyes. "Katy, I love you more than anything. And I'd scream it to the whole world, except that my whole world's right here in front of me. When Sandy left me, I thought I'd never find love again, but then you came into my life. You taught me how to love again. That whole week that Pony was gone, you stayed with me until I felt better. You're the best girlfriend I've ever had and I can't imagine not having you in my life," he got down on one knee and tears welled up in my eyes, "Katy, would you do me the honor of being my wife?" "Yes," I squealed, "yes. Yes. A million times yes." Soda grinned and looked relieved. Everyone started clapping and cheering. Then he slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me tight. "I love you Katy." "I love you too Sodapop." He kissed me passionately on the lips and everyone erupted into cheers. When we pulled away I noticed that Pony and Emily were gone. "Where did Pony and Emily go?" I asked, looking around. Soda pointed over to the corner of the gym. That's when I saw Ponyboy whispering something in Emily's ear, her blushing really hard, and Pony leaning foreword to kiss her. Once they finally kissed, Soda and I started cheering, causing them both to blush. I laughed until Soda picked me up and kissed me. He brushed some of my hair out of my face. "I love you Katy. More than anything in the world." I blushed. "I love you too Soda. More than anything."

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