Soda imagine for thee_moose17

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I stuffed my hands in my leather jacket pockets as I walked down the street to Bucks alone. Greasers aren't supposed to lone it, but I couldn't stand being alone at my house anymore. I wanted my boyfriend to be with me. As I opened the door, the sound of the music intensified and I was hit by the overpowering smell of booze. I can believe my boyfriend, Soda, would come here after Darry told him never to come. A greaser wrapped his arms around my waist. He smelled heavily of alcohol. "Hey pretty lady. Whatcha doin' here all alone?" I jerked myself loose and started searching for Soda again. After a few moments of searching, and not finding him, I saw Dally leaned against the bar, talking to a girl. I tapped his shoulder. "Hey Dal. You seen Sodapop?" He nodded and showed me to a room where a bunch of greasers were playing cards, Soda wasn't one of them. "Dal where is-" I turned and saw that he wasn't there. That's when I noticed a couple making out on a couch in the back of the room. As I walked closer, my heart broke. It was Soda! Tears welled up in my eyes and my stomach gave a violent turn. I was sure I was going to bawl at any moment. "SODAPOP CURTIS!" They broke apart, the girl was smiling, obviously pleased with herself, and Soda's eye widened. "Ayanna, what are you doing here?" "I came to see you! And I saw you sucking face with another girl!" "Wait? Were you following me?!" He looked angry now. "That's none of your business!" The next thing I knew, there was a stinging pain in my cheek and I was on the ground. I felt tears start slipping down my cheeks. "Ayanna I'm so sorry." I didn't respond because I got up and bolted out the door. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. Soda hit me. He promised he'd never hurt me. By the time I made it to the park, I was bawling. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sobbed. I jumped when I felt someone kiss the top of my head. "Ayanna, I'm so sorry," it was Soda, "she pinned me down and I couldn't get away. I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. "But Soda you hit me. You promised you'd never hurt me. Ever." I felt him start to shake and looked up, he was crying. "I'm so sorry Ayanna. Oh god I hurt my precious baby." I cupped his face and pecked his lips, staring into his eyes. "I forgive you Soda." He smiled and sniffled. "I'll never do it again." I nodded and passionately kissed him, knowing he meant every word he said.

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