Ponyboy imagine for giannaharbut

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This request was pretty interesting...let's see how it is...
I walked over to my best friend's house, a bouquet of roses in my hand. Tonight I planned to take her out to dinner at this new place that opened up down the street. I'm really nervous that I'm gonna say or do something wrong. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Gianna's door. When it opened, my heart started racing. Her long brown hair was put in a braid that rested on her left shoulder and the bright pink dress that she was wearing made her chocolate brown eyes stand out. She wasn't wearing much makeup either, but what she had on made her look absolutely breathtaking. "Hey Ponyboy," she greeted cheerfully. "Hey Gianna, I was wondering...you know that new place that opened up down the street?" She nodded. "Yeah I know that place. My friend's parents own it." I smiled. "Would...would you like to go there with me tonight?" She looked back inside her house and when she looked back at me, she nodded. "Sure." I smiled and handed her the roses, which she took in her house. When she came back out, I offered her my hand, which she took and we started off down the street. You could recognize that place for miles. It had neon signs and lights coming from the outside and it was the only building made with black bricks. "Come on what are you waiting for?" Gianna asked with a smile, tugging me inside. I smiled and we slid into a booth. There was an open space in the middle of the floor where there wasn't any tables. I didn't really think about what it was until we finished eating. Just as I swallowed my last fry, someone came over the speakers and announced, "It's time to dance." Then some catchy song came on. Gianna let out a squeal and jumped up. "Can we go dance Ponyboy?" Her chocolate brown eyes staring into mine in a pleading way. The tips of my ears got hot. "I-I don't really dance." "Nonsense come on!" She pulled me to my feet and drug me to the dance floor, which was lit up with all different colored lights. I just stood there for a few minutes while she danced. "C'mon Ponyboy," she laughed, taking my hands and moving my arms. After a while we both started dancing together, hand-in-hand. After we were both wore out, we sat back down. I took a gulp of my Pepsi and nervously asked, "Will you be my girl?" Instead of saying anything, she nodded and connected our lips. Little did I know that there was a spotlight on us and everyone was watching. When we pulled away everyone was cheering and she was smiling brightly. It was the best night of my life. And I'm glad it was with her.

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