Dally imagine for themtndewjunkie

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I'm not too good with Dally imagines but I hope you like it Addie. 😊
----------------------------------------------I gripped the steering wheel nervously. My childhood best friend, Dallas Winston, left New York without telling anyone where he was going. A few days ago I finally found out that he went to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I pulled into a DX gas station and went inside. There were two guys talking behind the counter. "Excuse me. Could I get some gas on pump two?" One of them nodded and walked outside to fill my tank while the other started to ring it up. "What's your name?" He asked, looking up at me and smirking. I pushed some of my hair out of my eyes. "Addie." He smiled. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Sodapop." I chuckled and he grinned and started wiping down the counter with a rag. "What brings ya here Addie?" I drummed my fingers on the counter. "I'm here to see an old friend. Dallas Winston to be exact." He looked up at me, dumbfounded. "You know Dally?" I nodded and the other guy walked in. "Hey Steve, she's lookin' for Dally." "Yeah, do you know him?" They both looked over at me and Steve said, "Guess we better take her to your house Soda." Soda nodded and grabbed a set of keys from under the counter. "Come on Addie we know where Dallas is." I nodded and followed them into their car. The whole car ride, I told them about how Dally and I used to be best friends in New York and how he'd never leave my side. Finally, the car jerked to a stop in front of a white house. "He should be here soon." Soda said as I sat down on the couch and started to write in my poetry journal. Just as I got to the second stanza, the door flew open. "Soda man, you won't believe it-" He looked over at me. "Addie?" I nodded shyly. "Hi Dallas." He smirked. "It's been a while." I nodded again. "How can you two be best friends if you're so different?" Steve asked as he ate a piece off of his chocolate cake. I shrugged and Dallas said, "Opposites attract." I blushed lightly and read over my poem. Then I decided I needed some fresh air, so I walked outside and sat on the porch to write. Seconds later I heard the door slam behind me. I turned around and saw Dallas standing behind me. I smiled and went back to writing. "Hi Dallas." He sat down next to me, taking out a cancer stick and lighting up. He puffed out the smoke and looked over. "Whatcha writin'?" I shrugged. "Just something." I didn't want to tell him I was writing a poem about him. He put the cigarette to his lips again, taking a drag and puffing the smoke out, and he said, "Let me hear it." My heart skipped a beat. "I-I don't think that's such a good-" Dallas ran his fingers through his hair. "Just read it." I let out a breathy, "Okay," and started reading, pouring my heart into every word. When I finished, Dallas was looking at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You dig me don't ya?" He asked coolly and took a drag off his cigarette before grinding it under his heel. I blushed really hard and looked out in the other direction. He held my chin and tilted my face so I was facing him. "Dal, what're you-" I was cut off by his lips crashing against mine. I felt butterflies as I kissed him back. When we broke the kiss I pecked his lips one more time before we pulled away. "I do." I whispered. He smirked. "Be my girl?" I nodded and he connected our lips again.

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