Johnny imagine for on instagram

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This imagine is for my favorite fanboy and best friend Jeremy! I hope you like it! 😊
I sat in the waiting room, nervously bouncing my leg as we waited for the news on how Johnny was doing. I was really worried about him. After he killed Bob, he ran to Windrixville with Ponyboy and there was a fire. I was over at the Curtis' when Darry got the call. "Jonathan Cade?" A nurse called out. All four of us stood up, me a little more shaky then them. "Is he okay?" Pony asked, on the verge of tears. The nurse smiled. "He's doing just fine. His injuries were less severe then we expected." I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. "Is he able to see anyone?" She nodded and looked at her clipboard. "Johnny's been asking for someone named Jeremy." My heart started pounding and I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. "That's me." The nurse smiled and lead me to his room. Immediately when I saw him, my heart broke. He was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and his tan skin was burned. 'He's gonna be okay' I kept thinking to myself. As soon as I shut the door, his eyes opened and he smiled one of his smiles that I love so much. "Hey Jeremy." I smiled and tried to brush the tears in my eyes away. "Why're you crying?" He asked, sitting up in the bed. I took a seat next to him and he laced his fingers through mine, making me smile. "I was so worried about you." He ran his fingers through my hair and stared in my hazel eyes before pecking my lips softly. "I'm okay. Don't worry 'bout me." I smiled. Then he tilted my chin up and stared in my eyes, smiling, and kissed me again. I kissed him back and felt him smile. When we broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against mine and said the words I've always wanted him to say, "I love you Jeremy." My heart skipped a beat. "I love you too Johnny." He smiled and kissed me passionately again. I couldn't have been any happier. My Johnnycakes was okay and, best of all, we were in love.

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