Chapter 1

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"Y/f/n Y/l/n! You better be down here in five minutes with everything packed and ready to go or you will not be attending Hogwarts this year!" Your mother yelled from downstairs. You sigh and sit up in your room. "Just need to survive the car ride, and I'm home free." You say getting your of bed. You change into black leggings with a navy blue shirt and black shoes. You brush your hair, teeth and drag your trunk downstairs.

"Finally! You're a Y/l/n, and Y/l/n's aren't late for anything. Now go put your trunk into the car. You father is waiting." Your mother scowls at you. "Yes mother." You reply looking down and walking outside. You put your trunk into the car and sit by your father. You stare out the window while listening to the music that was on the radio. 

The driver stops at King's Cross Station and you get you. Before you get too far, your father grabs you. "Do have a good year sweetheart." He says and kisses your cheek. You smile slightly and grab your trunk. You wave as your father leaves the station. You sigh and drag your trunk all the way to the platform. You quickly look around before casually walking through the barrier to reveal the Hogwarts Express.

You smile and get onto the train with your book in hand. You quickly find an empty compartment towards the end of the train. "No one ever comes back here. Time for some more quiet time." You whisper to yourself as you close the door. You sit next to the window and opening your book to finally read in peace and quiet.

You hear yelling and clapping from outside. You roll your eyes and continue reading. A loud is explosion is heard. You slam your book closed and poke your head out the door. People are grouped up towards the front of the train car. Two tall red heads are entertaining people. One of them looks up and faces you. You roll your eyes closing the door again. 

"Honestly people can be so barbaric at the worst times." You scoff and open your book again. "I'd call it entertainment and having fun. You should try it." You whip your head towards the door. One of the red headed boys are leaning up against the door holding something in his hands. "I have fun at my own boundaries." You say to him. 

He sits across from you. "Meh, you look like a party pooper to me." He laughs. You frown and go back to your book. "Whatcha reading?" The boy asks pointing down to your book. "Why are you here?" You ask not looking up. The red head sits next to you and takes your book.

"Give that back." You demand trying to reach for it. "Why?" The boy smiles. You roll your eyes and stand up. You grab your bag and leave the compartment, going to find a new on with less annoying red headed boys in it. The very last compartment on the train cart is empty so you quickly take it, sitting down. 

"I hate people." You say looking out the window. "But people are so amazing." You spin around to see the same red headed boy. "Do you ever leave people alone?" You say standing up to leave again. The boy blocks the door. "Excuse me." You say. He smiles but doesn't move. "You seem the type of person who needs a friend." The boy says and sits you back down. 

"I don't need a friend. I don't want friends." You scoff crossing your legs looking back out the window. 

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