Chapter 68

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"I've never heard anything like that before." Draco says after you stop playing. "Just something I came up with." You say setting the ukulele behind you. You two sit in silence again. "Can I tell you something Y/n?" Draco asks, breaking the silence. "Of course Dray." You sit up more as he takes his head off of your shoulder. He fiddles with his thumbs and avoid eye contact. "I-I'm...I'm scared. For what's to come next year. I've never felt this scared before in my life. I feel like I have nobody now." He says looking at the ground.

You put your hand on his shoulder. "You still have me. We might have not seen eye to eye in the past, but here we are now. Our fathers are Death Eaters! Serving the Dark Lord. We have something in common." You chuckle. Draco cracks a little smile before looking at you. "How about this, when we go back to Hogwarts tomorrow we get you some new friends?" You suggest. Draco shakes his head no and stands up. "No, not. chance. I know who those 'friends' are going to be!" He says crossing his arms.

"Oh come on Draco! It would be amazing to have some more friends from other houses!" You say walk towards him. "I can't! You know how the Dark Lord wants to kill Potter. If he finds out that I become 'friends' with him, then he'd make me do unspeakable things to lure him." Draco shakes his head sadly. You sigh and nod. "How about I properly introduce you to George. Maybe Fred too." You suggest. Draco ponders for a moment. "You know, I've always thought the twins were quite funny. With all of their pranks on students. Especially Filch." Draco laughs a little.

"So it's perfect for you to properly meet them." You smile. Draco nods before someone knocks on the door. Draco walks over and opens it. Your father stands outside the door. "Come on Y/n. I'm taking you back to the train station. You too Draco." He says before turning around and walking back down stairs. You and Draco grabs your bags before walking downstairs and by the front door.

Your dad apparates you and Draco before apparating away without saying goodbye to you. You both get onto a train and sit in the same compartment. "Y/n?" Draco looks at you. "Yes Dray?" You question him. He hesitates for a moment. "Stay with me? Don't leave me? I-I know that makes me seem soft, but I'm just scared and want reassurance." He says, a couple of years slide down his cheeks.

You move across the compartment to sit down next to him. "You have my word Draco. You'll be okay." You say rubbing his back. Draco lays his head on your shoulders as you continue to rub his back for the rest of the train ride.

You and Draco get back to Hogwarts. As you two enter the castle, you grab his arm and lead him up to Gryffindor Tower. "You know they both almost killed me this year right? They absolutely despise me." Draco huffs before you even get to the common room door. "Well we're friends now. So they have to like you, especially George." You smile. You drag Draco up the stairs and to the painting. You slap your hands over his ears and say the password. "Um ouch!" Draco says.

You roll your eyes and drag him into the common room. Every Gryffindor turns towards you two and everything goes quite. "What are you lot staring at? Get back to what you were doing!" You yell. Everyone quickly looks at different directions as you take Draco up to the boys dorms. "George! Fred!" You call out as you open their door. You see George and Fred huddled over their desk working on something. "Y/n! You're ba- What is Malfoy doing here?" George says turning around.

His smile now gone at the sight of Draco. "See." Draco whispers. You shove him a bit. "Draco and I are friends now. And I want you three to get along. I don't care what you say. You're friends now. You don't have to talk all of the time or even hang out. Just be nice to each other." You plead. Fred walks over as well and looks down at Draco. They all stare at each other for a moment before George puts his hand out.

"If my girlfriend likes you, then do do I." He says smiling a bit. Draco shakes George's hand before turning to Fred. "If my brother likes you, then so do I." He mocks George, sticking his hand out. They shakes hands before turning to you. "Brilliant! Now, Draco and I have some stuff to take care of. I'll come back later love." You say to George. You kiss his cheek before grabbing Draco's arm again.

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