Chapter 84

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You use Floo Powder to get to the flat. Once you get back you see Fred sitting on the couch working on something. He looks up and smiles seeing you. "Heyyy Y/n! Happy to see you here." He says standing up and hugs you. "It's nice to see you again Freddie. You won't believe what year I had." George comes out of the fireplace and hugs the two of your as well. "Group hug!" He laughs toppling over you and Fred. You all pull away and smile at each other. You turn to George. "Does Fred know?" You whisper to him. He shakes his head. "I didn't want to tell him. I thought you should be the one to tell him. That's your story to tell." He says.

You nod before turning back to Fred. "What? What's wrong?" He asks. You grab his hand and sit him down on the couch. "I have to tell you something Freddie. George, Harry and Draco already know." You sigh. Fred looks at you confused. "Why does Malfoy know whatever you're about to tell me?" You turn and look at George. "Because Malfoy is apart of the story. Now shut your trap." George says slapping his hand over Fred's mouth. "First things first...I'm a Death Eater." You say out loud.

Fred's jaw drops and you nervously sit there waiting for a response. "B-But I didn't want to be. Neither did Draco, we were forced by our parents to join You-Know-Who's army." Fred continues to stare at you with his mouth open. "Say something damn it." George says hitting his brother on the back of his head. Fred glares at George before looking back at you. "I-I know you probably don't believe me but it's the truth." Fred grabs your hands and pulls you into a hug.

"I believe you Y/n. No need to worry, your secret is safe with Freddie." He jokes. You laugh and hug him. "Thanks Fred. I feel better telling people who I can trust. I just don't know how your family will take it, especially Ron who probably already knows because of Harry." You sigh. George and Fred nod and George sits on the other side of you. "Well it's getting late, we should probably go to bed." Fred says standing up and heading to his room. George grabs your hand and leads you to his room. He lays down in his bed and opens his arms for you. You smile softly and crawl on top of him, wrapping your arms around him as he does the same.

Through out the summer, you tried not to go over to the Burrow. George and Fred both tried to convince you to go and at least tell them you're doing okay but you just couldn't face them. One day George said he was going to take your somewhere so he grabbed your hand and apparated somewhere. After you opened your eyes you realized you where at the Burrow. You turn to George and glare at him. "What the hell George! You lied!" You yell angrily at him. "I'm sorry! Mum wants to know if you're okay. I can't lie to her." He says back.

You pinch the bridge of your nose as the door opens. You look up seeing Molly walking towards you happily.  "Oh Y/n! I've missed you!" She says pulling you into a hug. You nervously laugh and pat her back. "I've missed you too Molly." You say as she pulls away. "Come in! Come in! Harry, Ron and Hermione are in the kitchen." She says pulling you into the house. You look at George scared as she does so. "Look who's here everyone!" Molly shouts as she walks you into the kitchen. Harry, Ron and Hermione look up at you. Harry stands up looking angry. "What is SHE doing here." He says.

Molly, Ron and Hermione give him a confused look. George comes behind you, putting his hands on your shoulders. "You didn't tell them?" You ask Harry. Harry shakes his head no. "What's going on?" Hermione asks. You sigh and take a seat in front of them. "I need to tell you guys something important. It may effect the way you guys think or look at me again." George grabs your hand under the table.

"...I'm a Death Eater. A-And I didn't want to come here because I couldn't bare to see the looks on your families' faces when I told you this." You look down. "I wasn't ready. I wanted to be...better when you saw me again. And I thought I could be somehow, but I'm not. And even if I did get better, the best I could ever be is still just some other version of me. And I'm sorry for causing what happened to you Harry."

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