Chapter 88

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After Bellatrix is satisfied with you, she grabs your hair and drags you down to the cellar and locks the door. You lay on your back trying to catch your breath and let your tears fall down your face as you stare at the ceiling. "I knew this would happen one day." You whisper.

You don't move for hours, you stay on the ground thinking about everything that has occurred in the last few hours. You slowly start to sit yourself up and lean against the wall. Someone comes down the stairs and looks at you through the door. "I'm sorry Y/n, I never meant for this to happen." They say before leaving. You sigh and turn away from the door, staring at the ground. "I guess it couldn't get any worse. Might've just jinxed myself." You laugh a bit.

For months you were in the cellar. You were surprised you weren't dead yet by how much you were being tortured by either Bellatrix or Voldemort himself. They didn't give you that much food or water and you were still alive. Someone came down the stairs and unlocked the door. You hid behind a wall waiting for the person to come around the corner. As they do you sweep your leg under their's and jump onto of them ready to fight but realize who it is. "Bloody hell Y/n!" Draco whisper yells.

You get off of him and fall back against the wall. "Sorry Draco. I didn't know it was you." You sigh looking down at your hands. He walks over and stands you up. "Where are we going?" You asked confused as he takes you towards the door. "Bellatrix asked me to bring you upstairs. There's something you have to see." His voice breaks as he helps you up the stairs. You get up the stairs and see a group of people standing near you while Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa stand at the other side.

Draco walks you over to where Bellatrix is while she talks to the other group. You look back and you eyes widen at the sight of Hermione, Ron and Harry. You turn back to Draco. "What are they doing here?" You whisper to him as he sets you onto a chair. He sighs and look back at the three of them. "Snatchers found them. Hermione hit Harry with a spell to make his face all weird." You nod and look back at them. Narcissa walks over and crouches down in front of you. "Are you alright Y/n?" She asks as she examines all of your bruises and cuts. "Just dandy." You sigh. "Y/n! Why don't you come on over here." Bellatrix says.

You stand up and slowly walk over to her. "Now tell me Y/n, what do you know about these three, hm? What are they planning?" She asks, digging her wand into your side. You look between the three of them as they desperately look at you. "I don't know a damn thing about what their planning. After they found out I was a Death Eater, we didn't talk to each other about anything." You say looking back at her.

She cocks an eyebrow before smirking. "Are you sure? Because some of my Death Eaters that I sent to that stupid wedding, saw you talking to the three of them." She digs her wand deeper into your skin. You give them a disgusted look before looking back to her. "Clearly, your Death Eaters are liars. I wouldn't do such a thing. Since I joined all of you, I tried to be the most loyal to the Dark Lord I could ever be." You say with your head held high and voice confident but your eyes traveled back to Harry and we're giving him a sad look. Bellatrix smiles and takes her wand away from your side.

"Spoken like a true follower. I think the Dark Lord would be pleased to hear that. Now, take the boys to the cellar. I wanna have a talk, girl to girl." Bellatrix says getting into Hermione's face. A stubby man pushes Harry and Ron down towards the cellar where you were. Narcissa waves her wand to clean you up before placing you and Draco at a table near a window. "Did you mean any of that?" Draco asks in a hushed voice. "Of course not! I just said that to get Bellatrix off of my back." You say back.

You turn to look at Hermione and Bellatrix but Narcissa turns your head back to Draco. "I'd rather not have your two watch this." She whispers. You both nod and look down at the table as you listen to Hermione start to scream by whatever Bellatrix was doing to her.

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