Chapter 49

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George takes you back to the Burrow after some consideration. Once you both get close to the door, it bursts open. Molly comes running out with Harry close behind her. "Oh I'm so glad you're both okay!" She says pulling you and George into a big hug. She pulls away and cups your face. "Don't ever run away like that again Y/n! You had us all worried." She says before pulling you into another hug. "W-Why were you so worried? Don't you ha-hate me for what my father is?" You ask. Molly pulls away and cups your face again. "Oh dear, I don't hate you! I couldn't ever hate you because of what your father is. I always tell my kids don't judge a book by it's cover." She says.

You smile and look over at George. "I've heard." You look back at her. "How about you and George go get ready for the day. Maybe take a nap Y/n, you look a bit tired." Molly says. George grabs your hand and takes you back up to his room. "Let's go to sleep Y/n. I wanna cuddle." George says while laying down in his bed and opening his arms for you. You smile while walking over and crawling into his arms.

After taking a long nap, you wake up to a loud conversation going on downstairs. You look around the room seeing you're alone, George not laying next to you anymore. You slowly sit up with rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes. The conversation stops but quickly starts again. You decide to go down stairs to see what's going on. You carefully make your way down the stairs. "I've told you she is staying here Ronald Weasley! I will not have you treat her this way all because of what her father is! I've told you so many times to never judge people but here you are judging Y/n like that. You better apologize to Y/n soon Ron." Molly says.

Everyone around agrees. Ron rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Whatever. She's part of the enemy team." He groans. You turn the corner and walk into the kitchen. "I am NOT part of the 'enemy team' Ron." You say while air quoting with your fingers. "That is my father. I didn't know my father was a Death Eater until just last night. He tried to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to him because I already heard everything. Dumbledore apparated me here for my safety. Now hopefully you take all of this information into consideration." You cross your arms and glare at him.
Ron stares back at you for a moment before you watch his eyes soften and he comes closer to you. "I'm sorry Y/n." He says pulling you into a hug.
You slowly wrap your arms around Ron and hug him back. "I really shouldn't of said all of those things. I didn't mean them, I was just nervous and scared especially for Harry. I hope you can forgive me?" He says while rubbing your back.

You smile a bit. "Of course I forgive you Ronald." You laugh. He pulls away and glares at you. "Alright enough trying to flirt with my girlfriend. The three of us have some planning to do." George says while grabbing your hand and Fred's arm. "I wasn't flirting with her George!" Ron yells as George drags you upstairs to their room. George sets you into his bed as he throws Fred onto his. "What exactly are we planning?" You ask confused. Fred pulls out a roll of parchment and they both unroll it looking very proud.
"What the three of us are going to do this summer! We aren't just gonna lounge around and do nothing. So I was thinking about-" You listen as George and Fred go over what you're all going to be doing for the next two months. You rest your head on your hand as you watch George move around the room still explaining everything. He stops for a moment and looks over at Fred then at you smirking. You don't think of it and continue staring at him.

George's POV
I continue explaining what the three of us are going to do through out the whole summer. "Hey Georgie. I think your girlfriends got a staring problem." Fred laughs. I stop talking and look at him. "I can practically see the hearts floating around her as she stares at you mate." He says pointing over at Y/n. I look over at Y/n who has a small smile on her face and staring at me. I smirk and walk over to her, crouching down. She snaps out of her trance and nervously smiles at me. "Heyyyyy Y/n." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

Your POV
"Heyyyyy Y/n." George says while wiggling his eyebrows. You blush. "Hi Georgie." George kisses you before leaning over to your ear. "Caught you staring didn't I?" He whispers. You blush more and look away. "Shut it Weasley." You whisper back.

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