Chapter 23

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You walk into the Burrow with Mrs. Weasley standing near the door, arms crossed and foot tapping. "Where did you go?" She asks. "To a Muggle place called a mall in London." George says. "And you went without an adult?!" She yells. Mrs. Weasley looks at you, Harry and Hermione. Her face softens. "Oh I don't blame you three of course." She looks back at her children. "Your summer is almost over. You could've gotten hurt or kidnapped! You could've been seen with that enchanted car!" She yells at them. 

You giggle at George's face. "So disappointed in you three." She says and walks away. George's face becomes sad as everyone walks away. You walk over and look up at him. "Are you okay Georgie?" You ask grabbing his hand. He sighs and shakes his head. You lead him outside to the garden. "What's wrong Georgie?" You ask. You sit down on a bench and pat the sport next to you. George walks over and sits down. 

"George..." You whisper looking at him. George turns to you with tears in his eyes. He looks away and puts his head in his hands. "I just don't feel loved by my family." He cries. Your heart breaks. "Mum always gets mad. When Fred and I get in trouble it just feels like she's more mad at me. Everyone likes Fred more. Everyone always picks Fred. I don't why you're with me, I feel so useless." He says. You stand up and walk in front of him. 

You sit on your knees and grab his hands. "Georgie look at me." You say. He continues to look down, not wanting to look at you. "Please?" You ask. George slowly brings his head up to look at you. You give him a small smile and cup his face. "You aren't useless George. Your family loves you. Your mum loves you. I love you. I didn't pick Fred did I?" You say. 

He nods. "I picked you. I like you, I want to be with you Georgie." You smile. You wipe his tears away with your thumbs. "Why did you even pick me?" He whispers. You stand up, sitting back down next to him. "Well you're caring, honest, funny, brace, sweet, your pranks are the best." You laugh. George laughs a bit. "You always know how to make me laugh, you're creative. Like this bracelet, look." You say putting your wrist towards him with the bracelet. "See? I wear this everyday because it reminds me of you. I love your creativity." You smile. 

George takes your wrist and looks at the bracelet. "Really?" He sniffs and looks at you. You nod and cup his face again. "Of course my love." You say and kiss him. "Ewww!" Someone says. You pull away from George and look behind him. "Is there something you need Fred?" You glare at him. "Just ew!" Fred laughs. You flip him off and kiss George again. 


You get on the train with the rest of the Weasleys and head back to Hogwarts. "I don't want to go back." You whine. George lays his head on your lap and smiles up at you. "Ah come on! It'll be fun. Freddie and I have been coming up with new and improved pranks for this year." He says. You rest your hand on his head and play with his hair. "I never thought the Y/n would say she doesn't want to go to school." Fred laughs. You roll your eyes and stare out the window for the rest of the ride. 

You get off and head up to the castle. "I'll see you later Georgie." You say and kiss him before walking to the Ravenclaw table. You sit down and wait for the first years to get sorted. "Guess who is dating Lexi Williams?" Alex says walking over. "The Hufflepuff you fancied last year?" You ask. He nods and sits down next to you. "Oooh, congratulations Alex. Welcome to the world of being with someone who makes you happy." You laugh. 

Dumbledore goes on with his speech, welcoming the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the feast starts. A paper bird flies over to you and lands on the table. You pick it up and open it.

You look beautiful -Georgie

You look up seeing George staring at you and smiling. You smile and wave at him. "Does George always do that?" Alex asks pointing at the note. "Not really. Sometimes he'll give me little notes." You say looking at him. "It's cute. You think I should do that for Lexi?" He asks. You nod. "Girls like this type of thing sometimes." You say Alex nods and goes back to eating. You look back over at George who is talking with Fred. 

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