Chapter 78

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George continues to stare at your until you start packing all of your stuff into your bag. "I'll just leave. Clearly you wouldn't want to be with someone like me anymore." Your voice breaking. You throw your bag over your shoulder and walking up to George, pushing him to the side and walking out of the room. "W-Wait Y/n." George calls after you. You head downstairs and into the kitchen. "Thank you for having me over but I think it's best that I go now."

You weakly smile at her and everyone at the table before walking out the door. "Y/n! Please come on!" George shouts. You shake your head and apparate back to Hogwarts. You walk along the corridors to head to your room. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon, Y/n." You turn seeing Snape standing there. "I couldn't be with the Weasley's any longer. I needed to get out of there after the meeting. Now if you don't mind I'm going to my room." You spit before walking away.

"I understand what may be going on you know." Snape says. You stop and turn to him. "You understand what may be going on? You understand that George might break up with me because he wanted to know where I've been sneaking off to for almost 2 years? You understand that he knows that I'm a Death Eater now and might tell everyone about it? You think YOU understand that everything is going to come crashing down onto me?" You say walking closer to him.

Snape raises an eyebrow at you. "Yeah, George knows. George knows I have the Dark Mark. He doesn't know about Draco or anyone else. Just me." You whisper. You quickly turn away and head up to your room before Snape says anything else.
You get up to your room and set your bag down before crawling into your bed. You turn your head staring at a moving picture of you and George during the Yule Ball. You two are smiling at the camera before George turns his head and kisses your cheek.

You flip around not wanting to see it at the moment. You take the box Draco gave you out of your pocket and examine it. "He didn't need to spend money on me." You whisper. You open the box seeing a necklace. Two wands crossed like an X with tiny fireworks sprouting out on the sides. You smile as you pick it up. A note falls out of the box as well. "I thought this looked nice. It's your wand and Weasley's wand crossed. Happy Christmas. Draco."

After everyone came back from Christmas break, you and Draco started to work on the cabinet again. You two have one more night until it's finished, and tonight is the night everything is happening. You were jumpy all day while teaching. When the sixth years came in you could tell Draco was worrying. As you got through all of your classes you finally take a seat at your desk and rest your head in your hands. "Are we really doing this?" You look up seeing Draco standing there. "I think we are." You sigh.

Draco nods and sits down at a desk. "Has...Has George sent you a letter of any kind?" He asks. You shake your head no. "I think he wouldn't want to be with someone like me anymore. His face kind of gave me the answer during break." You say looking up at him again. You grab the necklace around your neck to show it. "I still wear this though." You smile.

"Hopefully there is some hope for George and I. Thank you by the way, I never got to thank you." Draco smiles slightly and nods. "Thought I'd do something nice for you. Even though of what's going on between you two." He says. You nod and stand up. "You should probably head to your dorm until dinner then meet me back here."

George's POV
It's been a few weeks since what happened during Christmas with Y/n and I. I didn't know what to say when she showed me the Dark Mark on her arm. I stood there looking like a bloody idiot while just staring at her. I just wanted to know where she has been disappearing off to for almost 2 years. She probably thinks I hate her. When I saw how scared she looked showing me her arm, I knew that she didn't have a choice.

After she left the Burrow everyone came up to my room and kept asking why Y/n left. I couldn't tell anyone especially not Harry, Hermione and Ron. I just stood there again looking at them dumbfounded. Fred tried to get me to talk but I didn't say anything. After Christmas break Fred and I went back to our shop. I've been thinking of sending Y/n a letter but I just don't know what to say.

"I can't tell you Freddie. She's already scared enough that I know." I groan, slipping into my bed. "But Y/n is like my second sister. You gotta tell me!" Fred exclaims jumping onto me. I push him over a bit so he is laying next to me. "I just can't. She'll probably hate me for it."

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