Chapter 18

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You walk into the Great Hall to be greeted by George and Fred quickly. "Party in the Gryffindor common room at 6 tonight. Be there!" They say in unison. George hands you a piece of parchment and walks off smirking. You open it and start blushing. "Wear something hot, for me. This boy." You shake your head sticking the parchment into your pocket. You eat breakfast and head to Charm.

Half way through, an origami swan flies over to you and lands on your book. You open it and read it. "Did you read the parchment?" You whisper. You look up at George who is smirking at you. You blush while nodding. Class ends and you pack your stuff up. George walks over, slamming his hand over your last piece of parchment. "Yes George?" You ask looking up at him. "I hate this new Y/n. Playing hard to get." He says. "Well just because you apologizing doesn't mean I'm going to let you get me that easily." You smirk. 

You remove his hand from your parchment and place it in your bag. "I'll see you at the party, Weasley." You say making you way out the door. You walk to Potions as an arm wraps around you. "You going to the Weasley's party?" Alex asks. "Duh. I need to let go all of this stress I have. You should invite the Hufflepuff girl. Go with her." You say walking into Potions with him. "I don't know if she would want to go with me though." He sighs. You turn to him. "She's right over there. Go ask her." You say pointing to a brown haired girl. You push him over to her and sit down next to Fred.


You get up to your dorm and start getting ready for the party. You decided to just go with a black mini skirt with a dark green crop top with black shoes. You put on some light makeup and eyeliner. You take one last look at yourself and smile. You walk out of the tower and head over to the Gryffindor Tower. Loud music is coming out of there as you walk up to the portrait. The portrait is propped open by some books so you just push the door open and walk inside.

LED lights are flashing and loud music is playing. The furniture is pushed away and there is a HUGE group of people dancing. You smile and walk towards the group. You see Olivia Williams. She's a Slytherin and in your year. You dance your way over to her. "Hey Olivia!" You yell over the music. She turns and smiles. "Hey Y/n! I didn't know you were coming!" She shouts. "I told George I would come!" You laugh. She looks up and down at you. "You look hot! And speaking of George!" She points behind you.

You turn around seeing George talking to Lee. George looks over at you and his jaw drops. You smirk and turn back to Olivia. "He thinks you're hot too!" She laughs. You roll your eyes. "I just watch his jaw drop at the sight of me." You say. A pair of hands sneak around your waist. You look behind you to see George standing there. George leans down to your ear. "I like what you're wearing." He says. You roll your eyes and smirk. "I see you just wore your same every day clothes." You laugh turning to face him.

"Nothing wrong with that. Let's dance." He says grabbing your waist again. "Fine." You turn back around. You two dance for a while. "I'm going to go get a drink. I'll be right back." You say and walk out of the crowd. You take a bottle of water and sit down. "Funny seeing you here." You look up seeing Marcus Flint. "Didn't know they invited the Slytherins." You say standing up. "Thought I'd drop by." He says. You nod and walk away.

Flint grabs your arm and pulls you towards him. "What do you want Flint? We've never talked before." You glare at him. He looks down at your chest and you cover with your hands. "Come onnn, let's go dance." He says. You pull your arm away from him. "I don't want to dance with you. I'm going back to dance with George." You say. Flint grabs your arm again and kisses you.

You push him back. "The hell is wrong with you!" You shout. Someone grabs your shoulders turning you around. "Oh good it's you." You sigh in relief. George puts you behind him and walkd up to Flint. "Whatcha doing Flint?" He asks in a low voice. "Making moves on Y/n." He smirks. George grabs the collar of this shirt. "You do know that she has someone right?" George says. "Last time I checked, you two broke up a few weeks ago and her and that Alex dude were fake dating." Flint laughs.

George lifts him into the air. "Doesn't give you the right to just kisss her if she doesn't want to be kissed, especially by you." He says and punches Marcus in the face. He drops him and turns back to you. "Come on, let's go dance." You say grabbing his hand. You and George dance for a little bit longer until Fred starts kicking the other houses out. You're about to leave but George grabs your hand. "Does that earn me a kiss?" He smiles. You kiss his cheek. "On the cheek." You say. You walk out of the common room and sneak back to your dorm. 

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