Chapter 26

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Shortly after laying down you heard George snoring. You chuckle and slowly get up, replacing a pillow in his arms. You quietly walk into his bathroom closing the door behind you. You pace back and forth while staring at the floor. You finally stop and take the letter out of your pocket. Your hands shake as you slowly starts to open the letter. 

I'm coming to Hogwarts Y/n. I need to talk to Dumbledore about you. I'll be coming Wednesday morning. I'll see you there.

-Meredith Y/l/n

Fear comes over as you read it. "Why is she coming here? She literally disowned me last year. I don't have to be associated with her anymore." You whisper. Someone knocks on the door. You jump and open it seeing George standing there. He looks down at the note then back at you. "What's it say?" He asks. You give him the letter and push past him, laying back down. You hear George mumble the letter then looks over at you. "I don't know why she is coming here. She literally disowned me last year. And talking to Dumbledore? I don't know anymore. Wednesday is in two days." You sigh turning away from him.

George walks over and pulls you into his lap. "I'll go with you if you want." He says kissing your head. "No, you won't be able to. It's just going to be me, my mom and Dumbledore." You say. You stand up and start pacing. "What if she's going to take me away? What if she's coming here because she wants to take me out of here?" You question your self. "But if she takes me out of here, then I won't see anyone else ever again! But she can't take me, I'm not her daughter anymore!" You shout in frustration.

George stands up walking over to you. He takes your hands and looks down at you. "Love, I need you to calm down for me okay? I need you take some deep breaths for me." He says. You shake your head. "I-I can't do i-it." You say. George pulls you into his arm as you cry. "I don't want my mother to come here!" You sob. George rubs your back and kisses your head. "Shh, it's okay darling. She won't take you. Dumbledore won't let her take you. I promise." He whispers in your ear.

After about ten minutes your finally calm down. "What would I do with out you Georgie." You smile up at him. "Probably always reading in the library being anti social." He jokes. He picks you up and places you back onto his bed. 

Wednesday rolls around and you're nervously sitting at the Ravenclaw table during breakfast. Dumbledore walks over and asks you to follow him up to his office. You nod and you both start walking. Once you get through the door your mother is siting there. "I have Y/n with me now Mrs. Y/l/n, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Dumbledore asks as he sits down. Your mother clears her throat before talking. "I want to take Y/n out of Hogwarts." She says.

Your heart drops. "W-What? No, can't!" You say looking over at her. "Y/n, she is your mother." Dumbledore says calmly. You shake your head and start digging in your robe pockets. "No she isn't. She disowned me last year, said I was a disappointment to the family. I have her letters right here." You take out two pieces of parchment and hand them to Dumbledore. "She could've of forged those herself!" Your mother yells.

Dumbledore shakes his head and looks at her. "This does look like your handwriting Mrs. Y/l/n." He says. Dumbledore turns to you. "Where did you spend Christmas and your summer break Y/n." He asks. "At the Burrow with the Weasleys. Lovely people Professor." You say. He nods and looks back at your mother. "You cannot take Y/n out of Hogwarts. She seems to be very happy here." He smiles. Your mother stands up and walks over to you.

She smacks you across the face. You hold your cheek while tears stream down your face. "I will be taking my daughter out of here." She says pulling her wand out and pointing it at Dumbledore. You take yours out and disarm her. "How dare you aim your wand at Dumbledore. Thinking you could do something to him." You say. Your mother slaps you again as Dumbledore pulls his wand out. 

"I think we are done here Mrs. Y/l/n. I think I'll be contacting Azkaban." He says. Your mother starts to say something but Dumbledore puts her under a spell, making her fall asleep. "Has your mother ever hit you before Y/n?" He asks. You looks down but nod. He nods as well and hands you some Lemon Drops. "Here take these. They always make me feel better. I'll excuse you from your classes today." He smiles. "Thank your Professor. F-For all of this." You slightly smile.

You walk out of his office and head to your dorm. Once you got to your dorm you changed into one of George's hoodies and some sweatpants. You put a bucket of water above your door so when it opens, the person gets drenched. Hopefully, George will open it. "I think I'm so funny." You laugh to yourself. 

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