Chapter 75

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It's been a couple of days since, you and Draco are heading to fix the cabinet. "It's in the Room of Requirements?" Draco asks. You nod. "Yes, the same exact room where Umbridge found out about Dumbledore's Army last year." You laugh quietly. Draco cracks a small smile. "Right, sorry about that." He says scratching the back of his neck.

You shake your head. "It's alright. Can't be arsed about it too much now." You say. The two of your walk up to the wall and a door forms for the both of you. You sigh and push the door open revealing mountains of random objects all around the room. "Bloody hell." You and Draco say. You walk in and start looking around for the cabinet. "Y/n! Over here!" Draco calls. You rush over to where he is.

You both stare at it for a moment before you take your wand out. Draco turns to you and takes his wand out. "The sooner we finish it, the faster we can get out of this mess." You say. Draco nods and the both of your start to fix the cabinet.

It's been a few of weeks since you and Draco started fixing the cabinet. Draco has taken a couple of days to fix it by himself and you've done the same thing. You're now sitting at the Quidditch Pitch watching the game of Gryffindor against Slytherin. You watch as Ginny Weasley makes two of the Slytherin Chasers fall into each other and she scores. You clap for her as she high fives Harry.

Snape sits down next to you. "I reckon you and Draco are close to finishing the cabinet?" He asks quietly. "We're getting there. We've been taking turns some nights to let the other get some sleep." You whisper. Snape nods before moving back to where he was. "Harry Potter had caught the Snitch! Adding 150 points to Gryffindor making Gryffindor win!" The announcer yells. The whole Gryffindor sections cheers as both teams get down to the ground. You stand up and walk down the stairs from the teacher's section and wait for Draco to get off the pitch.

You see him walk by and grab his arm pulling him towards you. "Get off me!" He yells pulling his arm back. He realizes it's you and looks down. "Sorry Y/n. I didn't know it was you." He says. You smile and shake your head. "It's alright Dray. I just wanted to say I thought you did amazing tonight." Draco smiles and thanks you.

"I just don't understand what you need from me George! I can't be with you all of the time, I'm sorry! We both have jobs to attend to and I can't have you always here at Hogwarts while leaving Fred to deal with the shop. I've told you that I'll see you for Christmas. I love you." You say into the letter. It wraps itself up and a owl takes it away. You sit back in your chair rubbing your temple. "I need some air." You whisper.

You stand up and walk out of your classroom. As you're walking around the castle, you find yourself walking up the steps of the Astronomy Tower. You get up to the top and see someone standing near the railing. "Hello?" They turn around and you smile softly. "Draco what are you doing up here?" You ask walking up to him. He turns back around to face the railing. "Just needed to think." He responds quietly. You nod in agreement. "About what's happening this year?" You ask.

Draco nods, resting his elbows on the edge. "What about you?" He nudged you a bit. "What are you thinking about?" You sigh and rest your elbows on the edge too. "George is in a mood. He keeps sending letters on how much he misses me and stuff. He's came here and spent the night before but I don't want him all of the time because we both have jobs we need to attend to. He can't just keep leaving Fred alone at joke shop." You watch some snow fall off the tower and down at the ground.

"I love him a lot but we can't act like kids anymore." You sigh. Draco stands up straight and pulls you into a hug. "It'll be alright. Weasley needs to sort out his priorities." He laughs. You laugh as well and pull away from him. "We've still got each other to lighten the mood huh." You say pulling your wand out. Draco looks at you weirdly. "What are you doing?" He asks. You smile and point your wand up. "Just wanna show you something. Expecto Patronum." You say. Blue and silver mist pours out of your wand as your patronus forms and starts running around you and Draco.

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