Chapter 3

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You put your clothes on and head to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Well good morning Y/n." Some says and wrap their arm around your shoulder. You look and see George. You sigh looking forward. "Hello George." You groan and walk into the Great Hall. You sit down while George sits next to you. "Aren't you going to go sit at the Gryffindor table? Your brother seems to be needing you." You point to Fred who is calling for George.

"I'll get to him in a minute. I'm sitting with you." He says. Your eyes widen. "Um, okay." You say and start reading again. "You remind me of Hermione Granger. She's always reading, you two should start a book club!" George smiles. "Who's Hermione Granger?" You ask not looking up from your book. "She's sitting next to Harry Potter and my other brother Ronald." He grabs your face and points over to a girl with brown bushy hair with a book in her hands. "Don't know her." You remove your head from his hands. 

George is quiet for a moment before turning to you again. "Is there ANY way you could be more fun?" He asks playing with a fork. You sigh and close your book. "How can I be more 'fun'? I don't have any friends to hang out with and do stuff with. I know you've been wanting to ask that sort of question for a while." You say looking into his eyes. He stays quiet for a moment. "How'd you know?" He asks smiling.

You roll your eyes and flatten your robe. "I can see it in your face." You smirk a bit. You stand up, grabbing your books and leaving the Great Hall. "Hey! I still have another question!" George yells while running up to you. "And that is?" You reply and continue walking. "Why don't you have any friends? Well, Freddie and I are obviously your friends now, but why?" He asks wrapping his arm around your shoulder again. 

You shrug. "I never gotten along with people. My mother, says that while I'm here I need to focus on classes not making friends." You stick your chin up into the air imitating your mother with a nasely voice. "You are not to spend your time making silly little friends. Focus on classes, be the best in your year." You mock her. George laughs. "There's something fun from you." He says. You slightly smile. "Do we have the same class or...?" You stop outside the Charms classroom. "Indeed we do." George smiles and walks in. 

All through out Charms, George kept staring at you and smiling from across the room. You caught him once and he quickly looked away. You sense him staring again so you stare back. You have a staring contest until Flitwick demonstrated the charm he was teaching. You got caught off guard first so George sticks his tongue out as you.

Class ends and you leave the room a bit quickly. "Totally caught you staring at me." George says behind you. You scoff and turn around to look at him. "Uh huh, I saw you staring at me and smiling through out that whole class." You say. "As if! And I totally won that staring contest." He smiles. You roll your eyes and turn back around. "That's because Flitwick distracted me when he demonstrated that charm." 

You walk down to the dungeons for Potions to be met by Draco Malfoy at the bottom of the stairs. An annoying Second Year. You push past him and his little goons to get to class on time. "Watch where you're going Mudblood!" He shouts after you. You spin around, waling backwards and flip him off. "Pureblood. Family is richer than your Malfoy." You say and walk into Potions. You sit down towards the back and take your Potions book out.

"Fancy seeing you here." Someone sits next to you. You look up seeing George? Or Fred? "You're..Fred?" You question. Shock creeps onto his face and nods. "How'd you tell me apart from George?" He asks taking out his Potions book. "I noticed the small different features you two have." You say and turn back to face the front. "Wicked." You hear him whisper.

Snape makes his dramatic entrance and goes on about what you are doing today. "You'll be working with the person you're sitting next to. No foolishness! Get to work you lot." Snape says and sits down. You and Fred scoot closer to the cauldron. "Do you know how to do this? Because I have no clue." He says looking down at the book. "Don't worry, Snape will be speechless after he sees we brewed this potion perfectly." You say as you crack your knuckles.

You and Fred work on the Doxycide Potion. Apparently, Hagrid needs some to stun Doxies and remove them from Professor Sprouts Herbology room. You had to stop Fred from adding the Streeler Shells too early. You put the last bit of Cowbane Essence in before Snape walks over and takes a look at it. "Hopefully this is up to your standards Professor." You say with your arms behind your back. 

Snape peers into the cauldron then looks at you two. "Brewed perfectly Miss. Y/l/n and Mr. Weasley. Ten points each to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw." He says and walks away. 

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