Chapter 81

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"What do we do now?" You ask, pulling away from Draco. "I guess we should go back up to the castle? Hopefully Snape dealt with Harry in a way." He says grabbing your hand and leading you back up to the castle. You get back to Hagrid's hut that is still in flames. You take your wand out and point it towards the hut. "Aguamenti." You say as water spills out of your wand and onto Hagrid's house slowly putting the fire out. "I've always liked Hagrid. Big bloke is pretty nice." Draco admits.

You smile a little and pull your wand away and turn to where Harry and Snape were earlier. "Y/n." You look back at Hagrid's hut seeing Harry coming around it. "Harry I-" "Don't say another word." He cuts you off. Harry looks between you and Draco in disgust. "Does George know?" Harry asks. "About, you know. You're little traitor situation." You scoff and put your wand back into your pocket. "I'm not a traitor Harry." You look over at Draco who is looking away from the two of you. "Bloody hell Y/n! You're a Death Eater! That makes you a traitor! You joined Voldemort!" Harry yells while looking over at Draco.

"I bet you were the one to make her join. I knew you were a Death Eater Malfoy." He laughs. Draco starts to say something but you stop him. "Draco didn't do anything Harry. I joined against my will. My father lied to me, I had to join or I would've been killed. I didn't tell Voldemort ANYTHING about you. I kept everything from him." You admit, crossing your arms. Harry rolls his eyes at you. "And yes, George knows. He found out during Christmas. I didn't want this to happen Harry. Neither did Draco!"

"But you two were up in the Astronomy Tower, pointing your wands at Dumbledore! To kill him!" Harry yells again. You grab your wand and walk over to Harry. "Shut your damn mouth Potter. We didn't want to kill him. We were lowering our wands... Wait, how did you know?" You ask, looking back at Draco. "Dumbledore and I went to find a Horcrux. We came back and he told me to go find Snape. But I guess he was a traitor too. Just. Like. You." He spits.

You throw a punch at him, making him fall back down to the ground. "I didn't mean for this to happen!" You yell back at him. "You don't know the whole story." You whisper before turning your back on him, walking back up to the castle.

You say goodbye to Draco once you get back to the castle and head up to your room. You quickly slip in and shut the door behind you before walking into the bathroom. You change and walk out over to your bed. You pull the covers back and see someone laying there. "Bloody hell!" You yell jumping back. The person in your bed sits up and look towards you. "George! What the hell!" You say hitting him with a pillow. "What? You told me to wait in your room while you go do whatever!" He exclaims.

You sigh and stand back a bit. "Right, sorry." You sit down on your bed next to George, pushing your fingers through your hair. "Are we going to talk now?" George asks quietly as he sits up next to you. You nod before turning to him. "What do you want to know?" George brings his hand up and cups your cheek. You lean into his touch as you haven't been around him for months. "How did this.." He takes his other hand and lifts your sleeve up revealing your dark mark. "Start?"

You fiddle with your thumbs while looking away from George. "It started right after sixth year. My father dropped me off at our house after getting me from the train station and he left to go do something. Probably something for Voldemort." You scoff. "I over heard something from Pierre and Lucy saying how he has kept this secret from me for years. Turns out he's a Death Eater! Woo." You say sarcastically, preforming jazz hands. George pulls you towards him and cradles your arm with the dark mark in his hands.

"Seventh year I went to meetings because my father wanted me to attend them for some reason. Told me that nothing would happen to me and I wouldn't have to do anything. Lies. One day during the summer or during seventh year? I don't remember, everything had been a blur recently. But I came to another meeting and didn't think of anything until Voldemort called me and Draco to him." You wipe some tears that have fallen down your face.

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