Chapter 92

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You push the Great Hall doors open seeing everyone standing there. They all turn to look at you and Draco. "We need to prepare to fight, right now!" You yell to everyone. "Why do we need to do that Y/n?" Someone asks. You look at everyone dumbfounded. "Are you daft? LOOK OUTSIDE YOU IDIOTS!" Draco yells pointing at the window. "Voldemort is coming! He's going to attack Hogwarts any minute now." You take your wand out. "Y/n is right." Someone says.

Harry walks out from the crowd, facing Snape. McGonagall walks over to the two of you. "Y/n, go prepare for your part of the shield around Hogwarts. Mr. Malfoy...." She pauses for a moment. "I'm here to help you Professor. I didn't want to join Voldemort. Neither of us did." He says, gesturing to you. "Well, after I deal with Severus I'll tell you what you can do." She says. He nods and you run out of the Great Hall.

You pass a group of people walking down the corridor towards the Great Hall. You don't think much of them as you run outside. You gather everything you need and start putting it together. "This piece of junk better bloody work to keep the shield held together for a longer period of time. Our wands can't do that much." You say to yourself. You get close to finishing it but you're missing a piece. "Fuck!" You yell. You run back inside looking around for a pipe. "Where the fuck would a pipe be? I don't want to use one of the bathroom pipes though. Gross."

You run back into the Great Hall seeing the group of people again and McGonagall sending spells at Snape. He turns and flies through the window. You run up to McGonagall quickly. "I need a pipe. I-I can't find one and I don't want to go get one from the bathroom cause that's like super gross." You breathe out.

Before McGonagall can say anything Harry steps in. "What is Malfoy doing here? Isn't he supposed to be on the other side?" He asks. Draco starts to talk but you cut him off. "Draco doesn't want to be on Voldemort's side Harry. He wants to help you out. He doesn't want Voldemort to win, we don't want him to win. So how about you two out your differences aside so we can defend our home." You say quickly. Harry stares at you and Draco before putting his hand out.

Draco looks down at it and hesitantly shakes Harry's hand. "Wow! Look at that! You two are best friends! Now, McGonagall where can I find a nice clean pipe for that stupid reactor thingy that'll help power the shield over Hogwarts?" You say turning to her. She explains where to find one and you thank her. "Draco, help Harry find that horcrux." You instruct. Draco nods and runs off with Harry. You tie your hair up and take your wand out just in case. "Alright, time to go to the dungeons." You whisper to yourself.

You quickly run past everyone and head towards the dungeons. You hear footsteps running behind you, you quickly turn a corner and press yourself against the wall. When the person walks by You kick the back of their knees so they fall and push them down. You grab their arm, pulling it back and pushing your knee down into their back. "I could kill you right here, right now. Nobody would know...nobody." You say, pulling in their arm a bit more. "Bloody hell woman! You'd kill your own boyfriend?" You recognize the red hair and their voice as you left go of their arm and stand up.

The person also stands up, rubbing their arm. "So much for trying to see you.". You gasp as you look up seeing George smiling down at you. You reach your hand up to touch his face, just in case he wasn't real. "Am I still on cabin fever?" You say poking around his face. "No, I'm really honey." George smiles, kissing your hand. You laugh and jump into your arms, crying into his shoulder. "I've missed you so much Georgie." You cry. George rubs your back and shushes you. "I know, I know. I've missed you too my darling." He whispers.

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