Chapter 53

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After a couple of days, Harry started telling everyone when the first meeting was for Dumbledore's Army. You and Alex walk walking down the hallway, quickly coming up to the door as it reveals itself. Alex opens the door and slides in before you do. You look around making sure no one is around and slide in. "Glad you two could make it." Harry says. You scratch the back of your head. "Sorry we're late. Umbridge said we needed to fix our uniforms and look more professional. I don't get that woman sometimes." You say rolling your eyes.

You walk over to George and give him a kiss on his cheek. Harry goes on explaining what you're all going to do today. You feel George move closer to you and grab your hand. You smile and continue listening to Harry. "So, we'll just start with Expelliarmus today. Everybody line up." He says. Everyone gets into a line as Harry sets up the dummy. Half of the line gets done as it's your turn.

You lift your wand, pointing it at the dummy. "Expelliarmus." You say effortlessly as you move your wand, making the dummy's wand fly out of its hand. You smile and move away for George to go next. You watch as George effortlessly does the same.

After a while of doing that, Harry gets to the end. "I know it wasn't much but it'll help you. We'll meet back here in two days. See you all then." He announces. George walks over to you. "Fred and I are going to go prank someone. I'll see you up in my dorm?" He says grabbing your hand. "I'll go there now. See you in a bit Georgie." You smile. George leans down and kisses you before running over to Fred. You grab your bag, putting it over your shoulder and walk out of the Room of Requirements.

When you get to George's dorm you change into some comfy clothes. George gave you a designated drawer in his dresser so you pull out a shirt and some shorts. After you change, you climb onto his bed and pull out your home work. You finish up most of it before the door opens. You look up seeing George looking down at the ground. You quickly put your stuff onto the floor and walk over to him.

"George? Are you okay?" You ask. reaching up and cupping his face. He just shakes his head no. "Darling tell me what happened." You say rubbing your thumb over his cheek. George shakes his head no again. "Just hold me please." He says in a whisper. You nod and grab his hand, leading him over to his bed. You climb in first and lay down on your back. George climbs in after, wrapping his arms around you and laying his head on your chest.

You run your hand through his hair and play with it. Soon you feel your shirt getting wet and head sniffles coming from George. You continue playing with his hair and rubbing his back. "It's okay my love. I'm right here." You whisper into his ear reassuringly. An hour later, you feel George start to calm down. He turns his head towards you, resting his chin on your chest. "What's wrong my love?" You ask wiping off his tears.

He takes a minute before talking. "While me and Freddie were setting up our prank, we had our own areas we had to go to for it. I was walking there until I heard some people talking. I heard these two boys talking, I don't know their names." He sniffles some more. "They were saying how you don't deserve someone like me. Someone who isn't rich, someone who is always in the shadow of his twin, someone who is annoying like me. They said you deserved someone so much better than me. I don't want you to leave me for someone better."

George bursts into tears again and digs his face into the crook of your neck. Your heartbreaks at those words. You wrap your arms around him, slowly rubbing his back.

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