Chapter 95

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You hit one more Dementor before running towards Draco. Before you get to him, all of the Dementors around him get hit by a Patronus. Draco turns seeing Harry there with his wand pointed at him. "Thanks." Draco says looking at Harry. "No problem." Harry says patting Draco's back. "Here...Eat this, it helps." Harry smiles taking some chocolate out of his pocket and giving it to Draco. You turn around seeing the Death Eaters getting closer. "We need to go now. Harry, you'll stick with me this time. Draco you'll cut off somewhere. Bellatrix is mostly looking for Harry and I, since you haven't done anything wrong. Come on."

You start running back into the castle with Harry and Draco running after you. "There you are! I wondered if you were going to be here Y/n!" You all stop and turn, seeing Bellatrix smiling with her wand in her hand. "You can go Draco dear. You haven't done anything wrong." She says. You look at Draco and nod. He nods back and runs somewhere else. Bellatrix looks back at you two. "I've been looking for you two everywhere!" She laughs. "Stupefy!" Harry yells and points his wand at her.

You grab his hand and start running again. "You aren't going to get away! I'll find you!" Bellatrix yells behind you two as you run. You drag Harry around a corner and stop. "Why are we stopping? We have to go!" Harry asks. You roll your eyes and peek around the corner seeing Bellatrix running close. You grab Harry's hand again and run up some stairs that are nearby. "Fuck, it's the Astronomy Tower." You say. The two of you get to the top and stand by the railing that is broken. Bellatrix gets up there as well and has her wand pointed at the two of you. "Looks like you two are cornered." She smirks. "No where to go."

You look over the railing seeing hundreds of students and Death Eaters fighting. "Harry, I have a crazy plan." You whisper. You put your hands up in surrender and Harry does the same. "You caught us but...I'll see you in hell." You smirk before wrapping your arm around Harry and falling backwards, saluting Bellatrix with your free hand.

You both fall from the Astronomy Tower as Bellatrix smirks down at you two. "Y/N WHAT THE HELL!? THAT WASN'T A GOOD PLAN!" He screams. "I SAID IT WAS CRAZY!" You laugh. You land in someone's lap along with Harry. You look up seeing George glaring at you. "Dammit George! I was making a dramatic exit! I was gonna save us once we got closer to the bottom." You smile. You look over at Harry who is clinging onto Fred for dear life. "Keep your crazy girlfriend away from me!" He yells. George just shakes his head at you in a disapproving manner. "I swear, you behind gone changed you a lot. You're...crazy." George says.

You kiss his cheek and mess his hair up. "A adrenaline rush!" You throw your body back but George pulls you back towards him. "No more fucking falling." He demands. "I thought you were fun." You whine. George and Fred carry you and Harry down to the ground as things crash around you. "We were running from Bellatrix and ended up in the Astronomy Tower. I knew neither of us were going to win a duel with her so the thing to do was jump." You explain to George as you wrap your arms around his neck.

George kisses your cheek as he lands on the ground. "Stop being crazy." He says and kisses you. "Hey, could you not have like a moment or whatever? A war is going on!" Fred yells. George glares at him as you walk away. "Okay! I haven't seen you guys in months and I can't have a moment with my boyfriend?" You scoff. George mumbles something but you don't think anything of it. "Let's just go. Harry...never mind you've been with m-Are you alright Harry?" You ask, seeing him grabbing his head.

He stays quiet before he lets out a breath. "Voldemort...he just talked to me in my head. Said I needed to come to the dark forest and meet him there." He sighs. You shake your head. "You can't Harry." Fred says.

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