Chapter 10

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You and George enter Charms. Everyone looks over at the two of you as you enter. You sit down in your seats. People start clapping for George and talking with him but the people around you move away and don't look your direction. You sigh and take out the Charms work you didn't finish yesterday in class. You rest your head on your hand as you scribble down the answers with your quill. You give it to Flitwick and sit back down pulling your book out to read. 

You look towards George who is talking to everyone around him.You look at the people around you who moved away. Whispers and glances keep coming towards you. Flitwick dismisses you all. You slowly put your book in your bag and leave after everyone else. You take a deep breath as you're walking through the halls trying not to cry as people give you dirty looks. You quickly enter a bathroom setting your bag down by the sink. You splash some water on your face and look at yourself in the mirror. You take a few more deep breaths before leaving. You keep your head down as your walk through the halls. 


It's the end of the day and you're walking to the library. "Why is it that I always find you walking to the library?" Someone asks. You don't bother to look to see who it is nor answer them. You enter the library going straight to the Restricted Section. You close the door behind you and go to the far corner. You throw your bag onto the ground and slam your hands onto the table, slowly sitting down. "Can't do anything right." You say. Some books fly out of the shelf startling you. 

You look between the shelf and the books on the ground. "Did I do that?" You whisper. You look around trying to find somebody but there is nobody back here. You pick the books up and put them back into the shelves. "How did that even happen?" You ask yourself. You shake the thoughts out of your head and sit down. You start to think about everyone only giving you dirty looks. It's apparently fine if George and Fred do pranks but when they have a third person, it's not fine.

"Darling, why are you here again?" You recognize the voice. "Because it's the only place that no one else will be George." You reply still looking at the table. George walks over and crouches next to you. "Can I have a hug?" You whisper. "You don't need to ask darling." He says. You twist your body to face him. George stands up as you do the same. He wraps his arms around you. You flinch a bit but soon relax from his touch and wrap your arms around him.

"Aren't hugs nice?" He asks resting his chin on the top of your head. "They are." You say. "I noticed the people around you during Charms and in the halls today." George says. You hug him a bit tighter. "Oh. It really doesn't matter. No one expects little miss perfect to do something like that." You say. George pulls away and lifts your head up. "Don't let those people get to you. When Fred and I first started doing pranks here during First Year, people didn't like it but eventually they got used to us." He smiles.

You laugh and nod. "Guess you did a lot of them huh?" You smile. He nods. You put your head back onto George's chest and look at the book shelves. "You're freezing." He laughs. You let go of him and sit down. "I'm a cold person. I never take my robe off cause it's always so cold. I always wear long sleeves." You say. You go to open your book but George takes it. "Nope, no reading right now. We're going to the Quidditch Pitch." He says grabbing your hand and leading you out of the library. 

"I'm not even going to ask why anymore. I give up." You giggle. "Good." He winks and continues taking you to the pitch. "Practice starts today and I want you to learn about it." He says. He interlocks your fingers together and you blush. "O-Okay then." You stutter looking down at the ground. George takes you to the stands and sits you down. "Practice takes a while so I'm hoping you don't have anything to do for the rest of the day." He says. 

You raise your eyebrow. "You do know that my only two friends are you and Fred right?" You sigh. "You're gonna have more. Trust me." He says. He kisses your head and runs down to the pitch. "Please don't tell me I'm falling for him." You mumble. You watch George the whole time, not bothering to look at anyone else. George catches you staring and winks at you. You smile shaking your head then look at the other players. "Three...Chasers. One Keeper, two Beaters and one Seeker." You say and write it down on a piece of parchment. 

You watch the three Chasers pass a red ball around. "The Chasers score points using the..." You think for a moment then it pops into your head. "The Quaffle. The Beaters hit the Bludgers towards the Chasers." You look back up at George and Fred who are hitting a Bludger back and forth at each other. "The Keeper, stays at the three hoops to stop the other team from scoring. Lastly, the Seeker catches the little gold ball and the game ends. I think I got it down." You say smiling.

You look back up but there's no one there anymore. You look down at the ground and sure enough they are all there. George turns around and waves at you to come down. You pack your stuff up and head down. Once you get to George he puts his arm around you. "This is Y/f/n Y/l/n. I don't know if some of you have met her yet." He says. You wave at them. "You already know Fred and I, and probably Harry. That's Oliver Wood out captain and Keeper. Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson our Chasers." He says. 

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