Chapter 50

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Through out the summer, George and Fred have been dragging your around doing stuff. The three of you were always out of the house having fun. The school year started rolling around so you all went to Diagon Alley to get your 7th year books. You are now on the train back to Hogwarts for your last year there. "What kind of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher do you think we'll have this year?" Lee asks as he walks into your compartment. "I hope we have a fun one like Moody! I don't want some boring old hag constantly giving out detentions to people." Fred says leaning against the window.

The train ride was boring as everyone was dreading to go back to school. You get to Hogwarts, get through the Sorting Ceremony. "I'd like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore says while pointing to a lady wearing all pink. "That color is hideous." Alex whispers to you. You nod in agreement before turning your attention back to the front. Dumbledore continues his speech before Umbridge stands up, interrupting him.

"I just want to say a few words. I want to bring the most helpful education for all of you when you graduate from Hogwarts and get jobs in the Wizarding World. I wish the best for all you. I hope we can all be friends." She smiles before sitting back down. You watch George and Fred roll their eyes at her. Dumbledore finishes his speech and dinner begins. You and Alex catch up about what you both did over the summer. You told him everything that happened, leaving out the part about your father being a Death Eater.

You didn't need a whole riot to go on. A paper airplane flies over and lands in front of you. "Who's it from?" Alex asks. You open it and read it. "Meet me at the Black Lake in 20 minutes, George." You look over at George to see him smiling at you. You smile back and turn to Alex. "Whatever happened with you and that Hufflepuff girl? Are you two still together?" You ask while stuffing the note into your pocket. "Oh no, we broke up at the beginning of summer. She said she needed space and couldn't be in a relationship anymore because of that or something." He says looking over at the Hufflepuff table.

You say good bye to Alex and start heading down to the Black Lake. Once you get down there, you see someone standing down near the water. You get closer seeing George there. "Hi Georgie! Why'd you ask me to come meet you down here?" You ask walking up to him. He turns to you and smiles. "I got you something love. Turn around and close your eyes." You raise an eyebrow but turn around anyways.

"This better not be a trick George." You laugh while closing your eyes. "I promise it's not a trick this time my love." George says. He puts something around your neck and moves your hair out of the way. "George you better not have." You said. George spins your around to face him again. "Open and look at it." He says. You open your eyes seeing George with a huge grin. You look down seeing a small pendant necklace around your neck. You carefully pick it up and look closer at it. "G.W." is written on it.

You smile while looking up at George. "Georgie I love it. When and where did you get it? I was with you all summer." You say looking back down at it. "I used my ninja skills and got it without you even noticing I was gone." He kisses your head. You smile and grab your hand. "We should probably get back up to the castle before we get in trouble." You drag him back up to the castle.

The next day you walk into your first class which is Defense Against the Dark Arts. You take a seat in the middle next to George while Fred and Lee sit in front of you two. "Welcome 7th years. I want you all to have the best education possible, especially since this is your last year here at Hogwarts. So! Here are your books for this year." Umbridge says. She waves her wand and the stacks of books on her desk, start to distribute their selves onto everyone's desk.

You look down at the cover confused. "Um, why does this say it's for beginners?" Someone asks. Umbridge smiles while setting her wand down. "I want this class to be safe. You won't be needing to learn any spells in my class this year." She says. You look over at George.

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