Chapter 65

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You grip your wand tightly but put it into your pocket. "Draco, just let me handle things on my own. Go tell her you lost me, I have to go before the spell wears off." You say turning towards him. "What spell did you even cast on her?" He asks confused. You laugh and shake your head. "Haven't learned Impedimenta yet? Shame. As you can tell, it slows the target down. So, Impedimenta." You say pointing your wand at Draco. "Blimey Y/n!" Draco shouts.

"Can't have you following me." You laugh and run away from where he is. You run outside of the castle, starting towards the forest. "Y/n!" Someone yells behind you. You turn your head seeing George chase after you. He catches up and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you back towards him. "Where the hell have you been?" He asks while cupping your face. "Up that tower." You say pointing up to the tower your were in.

George turns and frowns. "That toad. Fred and I are so gonna prank her." He says turning back to you. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to go hide from Umbridge. She's going to kill me." You laugh. You turn to leave but George holds you back. He kisses your head before pulling you into a hug. "I missed you too much to have you run off again. I know a passageway that will get us to the Gryffindor common room without anyone seeing us." He smiles.

You kiss his cheek as you grab his hand. "Lead the way my love." You smile. George kisses your lips before pulling you back up towards the castle. He leads you through all sorts of secret hallways before coming up to the Fat Lady. She opens once you two get closer. "Why didn't she ask for the password?" You ask confused. "She always knows when Fred and I are up to our mischievous ways. So when we are in a hurry to get back to the common room, she is already open for us to run in." He chuckles.

You lay low in the Gryffindor Tower for a few days. You haven't attended any classes or gone to the Great Hall. You've stayed in George's dorm with him and Fred. After every meal they would come up and give you a plate before heading back out to either classes or to prank Umbridge. You now sit in the Gryffindor common room reading a book in front of the fire that's crackling quietly. The common room door opens as you finish a chapter in your book.

You lift your head up, slightly turning it towards the door seeing George walking in with his head down. "Hey Georgie, what's wrong?" You ask, now closing the book and standing up. He shakes his head slightly and walks closer to you. He slowly wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. "Do you want to go lay down?" You ask sliding your hand up to his hair. You feel him nod into your neck before taking his hands and leading him up to his dorm. Once you get into his dorm, you set him down on his bed. You grab some more comfier clothes to put on him.

You help George change before changing yourself. You crawl into his bed, pulling the blanket over the both of you and him moving around to lay his head on your chest. "You're okay my love. I'm here." You whisper as you play with his hair. "You don't have to talk right now. But when you are, I'll be right here for you." You kiss his forehead. You continue to play with his hair and whisper things into his ear before he looks up at you.

"I'm just so tired all of the time. Umbridge has been giving everyone a rough time because she's still trying to find you. I don't know where Ginny and Ron are. It's hard being an older brother, always having to watch after your younger siblings. Fred is doing who knows what." He rants to you. "I feel horrible for losing them all. I told mum I'd watch out for them." He adds laying his head back down on your chest. You sit up a bit and grab George's face. 

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