Chapter 104

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"If she wants you to continually buy her things she clearly doesn't need and controlling everything then those are some red flags Dray." You say while looking around Bill's room. "What's that? On your hand?" Draco asks while pointing to your hand. You smile and look at him. "We came here to tell everyone the news but it was just Molly and you here. But George and I are g-" "GETTING MARRIED!" Someone yells from downstairs. "DAMMIT GEORGE!" You yell and hear him cackle.

"You're getting married? Finally! I thought you two were just gonna grow old and never have children." He sighs contently. You give him a questioning look before grabbing his hand and taking him downstairs where George and Molly are. "Let me see the ring!" Molly demands happily. You put your hand out for her and Draco to look at the ring. "That's absolutely brilliant." Draco breathes. George smirks and bows while you roll your eyes. "I wish everyone else was here to hear the big news." Molly smiles.

You and George nod in agreement. "That's why we came by. To tell everyone but it was just you two." George says. Molly smiles at the two of you and pulls you into a hug again. "Oh my baby is all grown up!" She cries. You laugh at George's face and look over at Draco. You wave him over to join. He slowly walks over and you throw your arm over him, pulling him to you three closer. "When's the date? What kind of dress are you going to wear Y/n? Who are going to be bridesmaids and your best man George?" Molly bombards you two with questions.

You and George at each other nervously. "We don't really know mum, I just asked her 30 minutes ago to marry me. We haven't talked about it yet." George says, scratching the back of his neck. "Well you two better plan it soon!" Molly cheers and walks into the kitchen.  "I think she's more excited than us." You laugh.

You and George sit down in the living room to start talking about what you want at your wedding. "I think we should have it in the spring next year. Spring is so beautiful." You say. George nods. "It is but what about the summer?" He suggests. You shake your head. "Summer is way too hot. Winter is way too cold." You shrug. "Let's do it in the Spring, it's the perfect temperature." George says and writes it down. "Bridesmaids and groomsmen is next." You say taking out some paper. "Who do you want your groomsmen to be?" You ask turning to George.

"Easy! Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron and Lee." He smiles and writes it down. "Darling, usually in a wedding I think there are six bridesmaids and six groomsmen. Including the maid of honor and best man." You say grabbing his shoulder. He nods and thinks for a moment. "I wanted Fred to be my best man, but now he can't." He sighs sadly and sets the pencil down. "His spirit can. We'll have a space that's just for Fred, right next to you. Then you'll have rest of them behind that spot." You give him a small smile in which he returns. "What about you? Who are going to be your bridesmaids?" He asks quickly.

You shrug and lean back on the couch. "I don't know. I don't have any friends my age that are girls. It's all boys." The two of you stay quiet for a few minutes. "I'll have Ginny as one of my bridesmaids. Probably my maid of honor. Hermione, Luna, oh maybe Fleur could he one." George nods. You sigh in defeat. "I really can't think of any other people."

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