Chapter 16

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You and Alex walk into the Great Hall and sit down. "If you don't mind me asking Y/n, what happened between you and George." Alex asks moving his head towards George. You look at George sitting with Fred and see him staring down at the table. "Kissed another girl." You say looking back towards Alex. "Oh my, that's not good." He says rubbing your arm. "At first I thought it was Fred but we have our last class together and he went to go change for Quidditch practice. I was heading down to the pitch to watch them but didn't go cause...yeah." You say looking down at your plate.

Alex gives you a hug. You sit there for a moment before hugging him back. You smile at him and start eating. "Didn't know you smiled." Alex jokes and nudges you. "Ha ha, really funny," You say. Your eyes wander and some how landed where George was sitting. He's gone now. Someone sits on the other side of you. "What do you want George?" You ask clenching your fists. "Y/n, please. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." George says, You turn and glare at him.

"There's a billion people on this planet that you could bother but for some reason you chose me." George raises his eyebrows. "I wish I could give you the attention that you ordered but I just don't have the energy." You move closer towards Alex. "Maybe I'm that one who's being over dramatic but I don't think so." Alex wraps his arm around you. George tries to say something but you continue. "I do know for a fact, though, that you're a definite coward and I think it may be time for you to go."

George grabs your hand but you yank it away. "You're a sour little boy with a fragile masculinity. You saw me as your toy, now that I'm not you abuse me." You get up into his face and slap him. You get up and leave the Great Hall. "I'm not some doll you could play with anytime you want." You mumble and head up to Ravenclaw Tower. "That was brilliant Y/n." You turn to see Alex walking next to you. "I hate him." You say. You both enter the common room, sitting down on the couhc.

"Six months down the drain. I knew I wasn't good enough." You put your head into your hands and cry. "Hey hey, don't say that. You're plenty good enough for any boy. George is being an arse. Picking some other girl over you. I know I just met you, but you seem like a wonderful person." Alex says pulling you into a hug. You wipe your tears and look at him. "Really?" You sniff. Alex smiles and nods. You hug him and stand up. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow Alex. Good night." You smile and head up to your dorm.

The next day Alex took you to get Butter Beer after classes like he said. "Could we burn him? Or, or! Make all of his belongings turn into jelly." You suggest as you sit down next to Alex at the Three Broomsticks. "I think Fred and George's mischief rubbed onto you." He laughs. You nod. "I think I spend all of my time with them. I need to get back to where I was. Spending every second in that library studying and reading." You rest your head on your palm.

Madam Rosmerta brings your Butter Beer and walks away. "We're gonna hang out though right?" Alex asks. "Well obviously Alex. I wasn't being serious of spending every second." You laugh. Alex face brightens and drinks his Butter Beer. "Oh and we aren't burning George." He says. You slam your face onto the table. "Why not?" You whine. He finishes his drink and grabs your arm. 

"Because I have a whole new idea." He says bringing you back up to the castle. "And that new idea is?" You look up at him. He sets you down on a bench. "Make him hella jealous." He smirks. You sit up looking at him. "I'm listening." You say. Alex sits down next yo your and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "Be around another guy a lot. Flirt with him. Act like you're a couple." He says. You nod. "Why didn't I think of that? That's brilliant!" You smile.

A group of people turn down the corridor. You look to see the whole Gryffindor Quidditch team. You turn back to Alex. "I think George is already jealous because I've been hanging around you." You whisper. Alex looks past you at the group. "Then let's start now." He grabs your chin and starts kissing you. You smile and kiss back.

After a bit he pulls away and looks behind him. You follow his eyes seeing George talking with Fred but glancing at you two. Alex looks back at you and laughs. "Poor dude. You're a good kisser." He smiles. You blush and hit his arm. "Let's just go to dinner." You says standing up. You put your hand out for Alex to grab and he does. You pass George without looking at him. Alex sticks his tongue out at George and you hit his arm again. "No need to act like that Alex." You laugh and head towards the Great Hall. 

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