Chapter 19

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The next morning, it's Saturday, you get dressed and head down for breakfast. George stands outside the Great Hall waiting for you. Once you see him, you walk up and cup his face. You make him level with you and kiss him. George sits there for a moment before kissing back. You pull away and smile. "What was that for? I liked it, but what was it for?" He asks grabbing your hand. "Just felt like it." You say.

You sit down with George and start eating. The morning mail comes in. Owls all over fly around dropping packages and letters off. One drops a letter at you. You flip it over seeing it's from your mother. You quickly put it in your pocket and continue eating. "Who was that from?" George asks pointing to your pocket where the letter is. "Uh, my mum." You say. "Shouldn't you open it? The last time I didn't reply to my mum she sent me a Howler." George laughs. 

You look down at your pocket then shake your head. "I'll open it later. She's probably just asking if I've been doing good." You fake smile. George looks at you for a moment before nodding and going back to eating. You start to feel a bit weird so you push your plate away. "What's wrong love?" George says grabbing your hand. "Stomach ache. I think I'll go see Madam Pomfrey." You say standing up. You take a few steps before you legs give out. 

"Y/n?" George says running over to you. "I-I'm fine." You say trying to stand up but fall again. George picks you up bridal style and starts carrying you out. "George I said I'm fine." You groan wrapping your arms around his neck. "Your legs literally gave out Y/n. You can't walk. You're not fine." He says. You sigh and lay your head on his shoulder as he carries you to the Hospital Wing.

Once he walks in, he sets you onto one of the beds. "What's wrong with her?" Madam Pomfrey asks as she walks over. "She has a stomach ache and her legs gave out." George says sitting in a chair next to you. "Hmm, have you been feeling sick at all dear?" She asks looking at you. You nod. "We had a little...get together last night. She went to get a drink." George says. "It was just a bottle of water. It was unopened." You cross your arms. "It's probably a bug you're getting. Sometimes when people get the Flu they get weak. You'll stay here for a few days." Madam Pomfrey says.

She hands you some pajamas and walks away. "Great. I'm sick." You say. Madam Pomfrey puts up the little walls for you to change. George covers his eyes. "I don't even care right now George." You say taking your shirt off. He uncovers and looks at you. "Shit." You mumble looking down at a huge bruise on your stomach. "When'd you get that?" George asks. You shrug. "C-Can you unhook my bra? My arms hurt." You whisper. George nods and stands up. You turn away from his and move your hair over your shoulder.

He unhooks it then rubs his hands over your back. "Y/n...." He whispers. You turn your head. "What's with all of the scars and cuts?" He asks giving you a sad look. You eyes widen and you quickly put on the shirt Madam Pomfrey gave you. You take your pants off and slowly slip on the new pair. You turn away from George while he puts the walls away. He sits on the foot of the bed looking at you. "Y/n, where did you get those?" He asks.

You sit up with tears escaping your eyes. "Remember some months ago, you asked why I was so scared of my mother...." You sigh. George comes closer to you. "She's the one who did this?" He whispers. You nod. You move over for George to lay down next to you. He takes the hint and lays down. "She wants this perfect daughter who is the top of her year and doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble. She wants a daughter who isn't someone like me. Ev-Every time I did something that she didn't like...she'd hit me. My father didn't like it, but my mother insisted she did so to get it through my head." You say.

You lay your head on George's chest and grab his hand. "Is that what the letter from you mum says? With daughter thing?" He asks. You shrug. "I don't know. I haven't opened it yet. I don't want to open it." You reply. An owl flies down with a letter. "Another one? Bloody hell." You say sitting up and taking it out of the owl's beak. "From my father. I'll open this one. But I should probably open the one from my mum. He's probably saying something about that." You say. 

You reach over to grab your pants but wince. "Let me get it." George says. He gets up and grabs your pants, taking the letter out. He lays back down and hands it to you. "It's going to say what I think it says." You say looking at George. George kisses your head and lays his head on your shoulder. You open the letter with shaky hands. "You know what it means Y/n. I don't ever want to see you again. You already have most of your stuff at Hogwarts. You're a disappointment to this family. Meredith Y/l/n." You whisper the last sentence.

"It's official...I'm not a Y/l/n anymore now." You whisper. You crush the parchment into a ball and throw it in the trash. You turn away from George with your back towards him. You wipe your eyes with the blanket and stare at the wall. George shifts and wraps his arm around you. You move back to be closer to him. 

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