Chapter 34

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George watches as you two laugh with each other. "You two friends now or something?" He asks raising an eyebrow. You wipe a tear away. "You could say that. He's not that bad actually." You say. "Not that bad?" Marcus asks looking at you. "Shove off." You laugh. George stares at you two. "I think we might need to get back to my house. Our fathers will probably be back soon. Bye Georgie, I love you." You give him a kiss. "I love you too." He says.

You and Marcus get back to your house and sit on the couch. The door opens and your father walks in. "Welcome back dad." You say. He smiles at the two of you. "Hello sweetheart." He says. Marcus says goodbye and leaves with his father. "Marcus isn't bad Y/n." Your father says. "I know he isn't now. He's been getting better." You say. You say goodnight and head upstairs. 

skipbo to Sixth Year 

You get to Hogwarts after a long, long Summer. You kiss George before walking over to your table and sitting next to Alex. "We have something new this year!" Dumbledore announces. "I'd like to welcome our guests for the year. First, give a round of applause for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" Beautiful girls in blue hats and dresses come walking in. You watch all the boys stare at them in awe. 

You see George looking at them and start feeling self conscious. They do a performance and stand at the front. "Next, welcome Durmstrang Institute!" Men in what seems to be fur coats come walking in with metal poles. They hit the end of it on the ground. You roll you eyes and look down at the table. Dumbledore goes on about the Triwizard Tournament. The feast starts so you silently start eating not looking or talking with the people around you.  

You leave the Great Hall, heading towards the library to find a certain book you found interesting over the summer. You slide in and walk around looking for the genre. "Hey gorgeous, what are you doing here during dinner?" You quickly turn around. George is standing there with his arms crossed. "Hi love, I'm trying to find a certain book. I couldn't wait till tomorrow." You smile. 

You walk farther into the library trying to read in the dark. "Lumos." You say. Your wand lights up. You aim it at the books' spines and read them all. Warm hands slide around you. "I'll be done in a minute Georgie. I just need to find the book then we can go to my dorm or your dorm." You say. He lays his head on your shoulder. "Why must you always read?" He whispers in your ear. You shiver and continue looking. "Because it's fun." You say. "I have another idea in fun." He replies.

"What?" You ask turning to face George. He picks you up and sets you on the table. "George what are you doing?" You ask. George just smirks at you and starts kissing your neck. You wrap your arms around his neck and throw your head back a bit. He loosens your tie and kisses lower on your neck. He starts leaving hickeys on the lower part of your neck.

George moves from your neck to your lips. You two make out for a bit until you pull away. "We should probably go to your dorms now George." You say. He pouts. "But I want to stay here with you." He says. You shake your head while pushing him away a bit. You get off the table and go back over to the bookshelf you were at. "I still need to find that book but you decided to sitract me." You giggle. George comes behind you and kisses the back of your neck. "George stop. Let me find the book." You laugh. After a while you finally find it. "Alright I found it. Let's go." You say turning towards George.

The next morning you start walking to the Great Hall. Boys from Durmstrang keep looking at you as you pass them in the hallway. You fix your skirt, pulling it down a bit feeling like it's too high. "Hey Y/n." Neville says coming up to you. "Oh hi Neville!" You smile. "C-Can you help me with something?" "Of course." You say. You follow him outside to the Courtyard. "I can't lift this whole crate of pots myself. Can you help?" He asks pointing down to a huge crate of pots.

"Sure." You reply. You both lift it up and start walking to the green house. "Ah Longbottom, seing you got some girl to help you." Malfoy walks over laughing. "What's that supposed to mean Malfoy?" You say glaring at him. He crosses his arms. "Women aren't strong. I'm surprised he asked you! You women are just little toys to play with." He laughs. You look at Neville. "Let's take a moment Neville." You say slowly bringing the crate down. 

You see George and Fred walk out. You walk over to Draco. "Toys to play with huh? Aren't strong?" You raise an eyebrow. Draco nods and laughs with Goyle. You chuckle to yourself about what you're about to do. When he faces you again, you punch him in his face. He staggers and falls on his back. "You don't get to say that about women you arse. Next time I'll fucking kill you." You spit. 

"Acting touch for your boyfriend huh?" Malfoy laughs. You kick his stomach hard and punch him in the face once more. George runs over and picks you up. "Let me get one more hit." You say trying to pry yourself away from George. "That was hot and hall but I don't need you getting in trouble." He says. 

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