Chapter 59

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Your hands start to shake as you slowly pick up the letter. You stare at the letter for what seems like forever until Estrella hoots. You drop the letter back onto your bed and dig in your bag for a treat. "Here you go Estrella. You can stay here or go up to the Owlery." You say while looking back at the letter. She hoots again before flying over to a chair and perching herself on the top of it. You pick the letter back up and start to open it. You jump as someone knocks on your door.

You put the letter into your bag and walk over to the door. "Oh hello Luna." You smile. "Hello Y/n!" She says. "Is there something you need?" You ask looking back at Estrella who is now peacefully sleeping. "Oh no, I've just came to give you this necklace I've made. They keep away the Nargles, I've seen a lot of them around you." She says pulling a necklace out of her pocket and handing it to you.

Your eyes widen as you carefully take it into your hands. "It's very pretty, thank you Luna." You smile. Luna waves before skipping away to her dorm. You close your dorm door while putting the necklace on. "I do feel more clear minded." You laugh to yourself.

You trip over your bag making everything inside of it spill out. "Dammit." You start to stuff everything back in until you come across the letter again. You sigh and open it. "Might as well see what he wants."

Dear Y/n,
I know you don't want to talk to me or listen to any of my excuses. You probably hate me at this point as well. Please let me explain why I chose to not tell you yet. There's a meeting with the Dark Lord happening the day before Christmas. I'd like for you to come and attend it with me. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here. I understand if you don't but it would be nice to spend Christmas with you.
Love Dad

You reread the letter over and over again. A meeting? With Voldemort? He must be crazy. But you would like to know why he kept a secret from you for so long. You sigh and set the the note onto your desk before changing into pajamas and heading to bed.

You wake up to someone banging on your door. "Alright alright! I'm coming!" You yell. You throw your blankets off and walk over to your door. You open it seeing George standing there. "George how did you get into the common room?" You ask, trying to rub the tired out of your eyes. "I may be dumb but I can answer a riddle my darling." He says before kissing your head.

He pushes you to the side and marches into your dorm. "Just come on in I guess." You mumble before shutting the door. "What do you exactly need right now George?" You ask climbing back into your bed. "Just wanted to see you." George smiles while admiring everything in your room. You roll your eyes and pulls your covers back over yourself. "Noooo! Don't go back to sleep!" George whines and jumps on top of you.

"George, it's like 4 am. Go back to your dorm in the Gryffindor tower. On the other side of the school!" You groan and push him away. George starts whining some more before getting off your bed and walking around your room again. You flip around having your back facing him. "Ooohhh, who sent you a letter? Is it a love letter from some other bloke?" George giggles. You quickly jump out of your bed and grab the letter off of your desk. "It's private George." You say.

George raises an eyebrow at you. "It's not a stupid love letter I promise." You say bringing your hand up to his cheek. "Can I know who it's from at least?" He asks trying to grab it. You pull it away, putting it into your dresser drawer. "Its from my father. That's all you're getting." You sigh. You crawl back into your bed with George right behind you. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

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