Chapter 57

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Alex walks you into the Hospital Wing and sits you on a bed. "Please get Madam Pomfrey now Alex." You groan. Alex nods and quickly walks away to get Madam Pomfrey. You lay your head back onto the pillow to try and block out the pain going through your arm. "Let's see what happened to that arm Miss. Y/l/n." You open your eyes seeing Madam Pomfrey carefully picking up your arm and examining it.

"What exactly happened?" She asks. You lay your head back down on the pillow. "I tripped over a rock and landed on my arm. I heard a snap." You say. She nods. After some more examinations, Madam Pomfrey makes up her mind. "Well, your arm is broken. It'll be easy to fix. But you'll have to be in a sling for a few days." She says. Madam Pomfrey takes her wand out and points it at your arm. "Brackium Emendo." She says.

There's another snap and you wince. "There we, good as new Miss. Y/l/n. Now, Ferula." She announces. Bandages wrap around your arm and shoulder, creating a sling/splint for your arm. "Good as new. Dinner is going to start in 20 minutes. You two better get going." She says before walking away. you sit up and slide off of the bed. "Y/n, what happened exactly?" Alex asks as you both walk out of the Hospital Wing.

"I told Harry something during his Quidditch practice. After they were done George was acting weird. I kept asking if there was something wrong because he was ignoring me and being a complete prat for no reason. I grabbed his arm to make him stop and he pushed me off of him. I stumbled back and tripped over a rock, landing on my arm." You say bringing your arm up looking gloomy. Alex's face turns to anger. "I'm gonna kill that red haired prick." He says start to walk ahead of you.

"Oh merlin's pants Alex no! Just leave him alone! It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." You say running after him. "George is the one who pushed you back!" Alex says. You chase after Alex who starts to run around the whole castle looking for George. You follow Alex into the Great Hall, immediately hitting his back.

"A-Alex don't do anything. Just let me handle it." You demand, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. "I'm not having someone hurt you. You're like a sister to me Y/n." Alex says looking at you. You sigh and let go of his arm. "He didn't mean to have me fall, that was my own fault. George was just trying to get me off of him. Please don't do anything Alex." You please.

Alex looks down at you for a few moments before nodding. The two of you walk over to the Ravenclaw table and sit down for dinner. After a while there's some noises coming from outside the hall. Everyone turns towards the doors. Umbridge comes with colorful dust all over her. She speed walks up to the front then turns around to face everyone. You look at Alex and start giggling along with everyone else. "Stop laughing! I will find out who did this, I will have order!" She says angrily.

She sits down in her chair at the staff table, and starts eating. You look over at the Gryffindor table seeing George and Fred trying to contain their laughter as they look at Umbridge. George's eyes wander around the room until they land on you. He slowly stops laughing and stares at you. You stare back for a moment before Alex nudges you. "If he doesn't stop staring I'm throwing a cup at him." He hisses through gritted teeth.

You hit his arm. "Stop being like that Alex. Leave the poor boy alone." You say before continuing to eat. Dinner ends, you and Alex start walking out of the Great Hall until someone catches your arm. You turn around following the hand with your eyes, seeing George standing there with a guilty expression. "Um, ca-can we talk?" He asks after gently letting go of your arm. You look over at Alex who is literally staring into George's soul. "Please?" George pleads.

You look back over at George and nod. "Alex I'll meet you in the common room. Come on George." Alex walks away as you and George stand outside the hall. You two stand in silence for a moment before George starts to speak.

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