Chapter 108

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You and Draco talk while sitting by the fire for a while before George walks into the living room. "We're gonna go home now love." He says putting his hands into his pockets. You nod and hug Draco good bye before walking into the kitchen to say good bye to everyone. George grabs your hand and apparates you back to your house. You head upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. You turn it on before undressing and waiting for the water to get warmer. "Love?" George knocks in the door. "Can we talk?" He asks from the other side. "I'm about to get into the shower. We'll talk after darling." You say before hopping in.

The hot water hits your body and you instantly feel better. You turn to let your hair get soaked and bask in the warm water. You open your eyes when you hear the curtains being pulled back. George steps in and slightly smiles. You move out of the way for him to get into the water and he does. "C'mere." He says. You move closer to him and he turns you around, starting to wash your hair. "You know, I didn't mean what I said like that at the Burrow." He starts.

You nod in response. "You've never really eaten that much before, so I was surprised. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He rests his head on your shoulder. "It's okay." You whisper, closing your eyes. "You tired?" He asks. You hum and he laughs. "Alright, let's finish our shower and er can go to sleep. Sound good?" He says going back to rinse your hair. You nod and let him continue.

Let's take a time skip to let's say april lol
You're sitting down in your couch during an early morning on April 1st. Otherwise known as April Fools Day. Also otherwise known as George and Fred Weasley's birthday. You knew that this day was going to be hard on George. He asked for some space for today and you agreed and decided to stay downstairs while he stays upstairs in your room. You made him some breakfast and left it on his bedside table earlier just to do something nice for him.

You're reading a book as you head the steps creaking. You look up seeing George coming down the stairs very slowly. "Did you forget something love?" You ask him. He stays quiet and continues walking down the stairs. He doesn't look at you at all and avoids your eyes as he walks over and sits down next to you but not too close. You notice that he's wearing a sweater with a big "F" on the front. Your eyes soften at the gesture. "I thought I wanted to be alone today." He mumbles. You nod and touch his shoulder. "But I think the best thing for me right now, is for you to just hold me." He whispers.

You smile. "Okay." You pull George close to you and lay down with his head on your chest. He wraps his arms around your waist. George sniffles and you feel your shirt getting a tad bit wet. You rub George's back and kiss his head. "You're okay." You whisper. George nods and wipes his eyes. "It's okay to cry Georgie. You don't have to hold it in." You say. He nods again and let's everything out as you comfort him for hours.

After a while he finally falls asleep on your chest with tears stained cheeks. You wipe his face off with your shirt and play with his hair while he sleeps. "I miss him too Georgie." You whisper as your eyes start to water.

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