Chapter 21

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The next few days you've been in the Hospital Wing. George has been visiting you every chance he got. Madam Pomfrey has been giving you medicine and it's been working. "You're free to go Y/n." Madam Pomfrey says and walks away. You change into some pants and George's hoodie. You head down to the Great Hall and walk over to the Gryffindor table. "Y/n! You're back!" George says hugging you. "Still feel like crap but I'm not contagious anymore." You laugh.

Throughout dinner you talked to George about everything with your no ex family. "I have somewhere to take you. After dinner." George says. You nod and finish eating. George takes your hand, leading you to the Courtyard. He sits you down at the water fountain. "Are you alright George?" You ask grabbing both of his hands. "I told my mum about what happened with your mum." He says. You raise an eyebrow. "And she said that you could come and live with us if you wanted to." He says looking at you.

 You smile and cup his face. "I'd love to. Your family is so nice." You say. George smiles and kisses you. "Also..." He takes something out of his pocket and hands it to you. "I made this for you. It's a bracelet and inside the little charms there are tiny little things you like. There's a book, a tiny little firework, and a little picture of me of course. If there is something else you wanna add, tell me and I'll ad it." He says. You put it on, admiring it. "It's fantastic Georgie. I love it." You kiss him again and lay your head on his shoulder.

"Another thing..." He says. "Another?" You ask concerned. "It's a good one!" George laughs. He stands up and throws you over his shoulder. "Georgeeee." You groan. He laughs while he spins around. "Go out with me again." He smiles. You think for a moment. "If you put me down." You smile. George puts you down. You smile and pull him down a bit. "Only if you catch me." You whisper and run away. "Get back here Y/n!" George laughs behind you. You run around the whole castle trying to get away from George. 

You get pulled around a corner and pushed up against the wall. "Looks like I caught you." George whispers in your ears. Shivers get sent down your spine. "Looks like you have." You say. "What's it gonna be?" He asks. You pull him down by his tie and look at him. George wraps his arms around your waist so you can't get away again. "Guess so." You smile and kiss him. 


You're sitting with George, Fred and Alex on the Hogwarts Express back to Platform 9 3/4. "Did your mum actually say I could stay with you guys?" You ask nervously looking at George. "Yes Y/n, we've both told you a hundred times!" Fred laughs. George hits him. "I know but I liked to make sure with things like this." You say fidgeting with the bracelet George gave. The train arrives at Platform 9 3/4. You get off and grab your trunk.

George takes your hands as you walk up to Mrs. Weasley. "It's so nice to see you again Y/n!" She says pulling you into a hug. "It's nice to see you again too Mrs. Weasley." You smile. "Oh please, I already told you to just call me Molly the last time dear." She says pulling away. You look over at George who is smiling at the two of you. "I bet you're all hungry! Your father is waiting in the car." Molly says. You get into the tiny car, surprisingly everyone fits because you know, magic. 

"Fred! George! Quit it!" Percy yells pushing them away. "You're a knob head anyway." Fred says. "Always reading something." George shakes his head. "What's wrong with reading?" You ask looking up at George. "Thank you!" Percy shouts while glaring at them. "Alright you lot! Settle down." Molly says. You look out the window realizing you're up in the air. You latch onto George's arm. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. Dad enchanted the car to make it fly." Fred laughs at the look on your face.

"Won't the Muggles see us?" You ask. "I already thought of that." Mr. Weasley says. It's quiet for a moment before Ron screams. "GIVE ME BACK MY CHOCOLATE FROG!" He screams at George. "You have enough!" George yells while laughing. While they fight you look over at Percy. "What are you reading Percy?" You ask. "A book about the Ministry. I'm planning on working there myself after my final year." He says not looking up. You nod and look back out the window.

George rests his hand on your thigh as he continues to laugh hysterically at Ron who is now crying about his Chocolate Frog being stolen. You look at him and Fred who are trying to catch their breath and smile at him. George looks at you and makes a silly face. You laugh and make one back. "Whatcha staring at?" He asks kissing you. "You being happy." You say laying your head on his shoulder. 

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