Chapter 91

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Draco rolls his eyes and drags you up the stairs. He looks around seeing the coast is clear and drags you around the manor. "Where are we going?" You groan. Draco turns around and puts his hand over your mouth. He brings one finger up to his lips indicating to shush. You look past him seeing some Death Eaters guarding the front door. He moves away and hands you a wand. "I swear to Merlin if you aren't back to normal right now Y/n, I will in fact leave your ass here and go to Hogwarts with out you." He threatens.

You look at him confused before taking the wand. "Why are we going to Hogwarts?" You ask walking in front of him. "Where are you going? You better be normal now." He whisper shouts. "We'll find out!" You laugh. You walk up to the Death Eaters standing by the door. They put their wands up to you. "How in the bloody hell did you get out of the cellar?" One asks. You shrug your shoulders before pointing your wand at them. "Stupefy." You smile as they fly back, crashing and breaking the door. "Hey! You broke my damn door!" Draco yells behind you.

You roll your eyes and scoff. "Just tie them up and let's get to Hogwarts." You command. "Uh, I don't think it's going to be that easy." Draco says. You stop in your tracks, sighing before turning around. "Oh shit." You say. Groups of Death Eaters come running outside where you and Draco are. "Y/n, run!" He yells before throwing a spell at them. You take off running with Draco right behind you. You run through the gates and into the woods while throwing spells behind at the Death Eaters.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" You yell, dodging spells and trees. Draco catches up to you as you jump over a fallen tree. "How many are left?" You ask while shooting back. "Uhhh, about ten left!" He yells. You stop in your tracks and hide behind a tree while Draco keeps running. "What the hell are you doing Y/n! He yells stopping as well. "Just let me try something!" Spells are being shot past you as you hide behind the tree. You jump out from behind, pointing your wand at the remaining Death Eaters. "Bombarda!"

Things explode around them as huge clouds of smoke emerge. After it clears away you see no one standing. You put your hands onto your knees and catch your breath. You sit down on a log and push your hair back out of your face. Draco walks over and sits down next to you. "W-What day is it?" You ask, looking over at him. "May 2nd, why?" He asks back. You sigh and lean back a bit. "It's stupid. It wouldn't matter right now. We just need to get to Hogwarts for...why are we going to Hogwarts?" You stand up. Draco takes a moment.

"Voldemort. He...He's planning to attack sometime tonight. We need to get there to help." You stop in front of him, grabbing his shoulders. "We need to get back to Hogwarts and help them defeat Voldemort." You grab his hand and start dragging him through the forest. "What about the date? Why did you sigh and like, get sad about it?" He asks, pulling you back to him making you stop. You groan and turn towards him.

"It's my birthday today...and there is a war going on. Everything is turning into complete shit. But it doesn't matter, what matters most is getting to Hogwarts." You say before walking again. "Happy birthday." Draco calls out behind you. "Thank you." You say before he grabs your hand and apparates to Hogwarts.

You fall onto the floor once you apparate into a corridor. "Everyone must be in the Great Hall." Draco says. You grab your wand and stand up, walking with Draco to the Great Hall.

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