Chapter 51

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You look back up at Umbridge and raise your hand. "Yes Miss ...?" "Y/l/n, Y/n Y/l/n. Um you do know that we aren't 1st years right? We aren't what you call 'beginners'. We've been learning defensive spells for the past six years Professor." You say. George places his hand on your thigh and squeezes it. Umbridge raises her eyebrow and nods. "I do understand that Miss Y/l/n, but the Ministry has told me to teach you this class the right way. So we start with these books." She says.

"Books that are for 1st years." You mumble. Umbridge looks over at you. "What was that dear?" She asks. George looks at you with worry. "I said, books that are for 1st years. You should be teaching us spells and things that will help us if we get attacked by something or someone." You say louder. Umbridge stares at you for a moment. "I think you've earned yourself a detention after classes today Y/l/n. For questioning my teaching." She says before turning away. You roll your eyes and start flipping through the book.

After class ends, you gather all of your stuff and leave the room. "You already have a detention with Umbridge." Someone says. You turn around seeing George walking towards you. "So what? From what I've heard about detentions from you, they aren't that bad most of the time. How could this one be any different?" You say turning away and walking to your next class, Potions.

After classes are done you head to Umbridge's class for detention. "Y/n!" George yells while running up to you. "Hi Georgie." You smile. He runs up and kisses you. He pulls away, smiling down at you. "Sorry I just missed you. Also, please be careful at detention. I've been hearing rumors of what she does." He says worriedly. You hug him. "I'll be okay Georgie. I'll see you after." You say. "I'll meet you outside the classroom." He says before running off.

You continue your way to Umbridge's room and knock on her office door. "Come in." She says. You open the door and walk in slowly looking around her room. So much pink. "Ah I'm glad you could make it Y/n. Have a seat, you'll be writing lines for me today." She smiles. You nod while sitting down at the desk provided. Umbridge gives you a quill and paper. "Uh Professor I don't have any ink." You say looking up at her.

She smiles and sits down at her desk. "You won't be needing any ink. This quill is special. Now I want you to write 'I will not question Professor Umbridge's teaching.' You may start now." She turns towards the window. You look at her weirdly before writing. "How many times am I supposed to do this?" You ask while writing. Umbridge giggles. "Until it sets in dear." 'This crazy bitch' You think to yourself. After about three lines, your other hand starts to burn.

You put the quill down and examine your hand. "Ouch." You mumble while looking at it. "Everything alright?" Umbridge asks. You pick the quill back up and continue writing. "Yes." You say. You watch as the words from the paper, imprint itself onto your hand. You quickly finish and set the quill down. "You may go now." Umbridge says. You nod while standing up and grabbing your bag then leaving her office.  You quickly make your way out of her class looking down at your hand.

Once you're out of the room you're met by George. "Hello love. How was detention?" He asks and kisses your head. You drop your hand while looking up at him. "Different. Do all teachers make your write lines with a weird quill?" You ask looking back down at your hand.

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