Chapter 4

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You walk out of Potions with Fred on your tail. "That was brilliant Y/n. You're amazing with Potions." He says. "Thank you Fred." You reply and head up the stairs to get to Divination. "You know, you could be part of George and I's mischievous pranks. You be the brains of the whole operation." He says stopping you half way up. You look up at him for a moment. "I don't know. I'm not really the rule breaking, mischievous kind of person, Fred." You say and walk past him.

Fred catches up to you and stops you again. "Aw come on Y/n! Think about it." He says putting his hand up. You lift a eyebrow. "What are you doing?" You ask. Fred face palms and looks at you like you're mental. "A high five?" He says and puts his hand up again. You slowly bring your hand up to his. "We'll work on it." He laughs and walks away. 


Finally it's lunch and as your walking, two pairs of hands grab you. "What the hell!" You look down seeing George and Fred smiling up at you. "What are you two doing exactly?" You ask looking down at them. "Oh nothing." George says. They carry you into the Great Hall and over to the Gryffindor table. "Why am I sitting over here?" You ask as they set you down and sit on either side of you. "Cause you're gonna have more friends." George smiles at you. 

You roll your eyes and pull a book out. "No, no, no. No reading right now, time to make friends." Fred says taking your book. You grab your bag and take out another book while looking at Fred. "Are you serious right now?" George laughs and takes that on. You glare at him. "I will pull another one out Weasley." You say. George looks over at Fred. "Welp, let me just take your bag then." Fred snatches your bag and runs out of the Great Hall with a sandwich in his mouth.

You slam your head on the table. "Come on Y/n. Here, this is my brother Ronald." George brings over another red headed boy. "He's says a Second Year." He says. You smile awkwardly and wave. "Ronnikins, this is Y/n." George smiles. Ron removes him self from George and goes red. "George! I told you not to call me that. It's nice to meet you Y/n, I'm going back to Hermione and Harry." He quickly walks away. You sigh and rest your head on your hand.

"Making friends isn't a strong suit for me George." You look at him. George smiles. "Well look at the time, time for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Bye George." You say. You reach down for your bag but grab air. You groan. "Fred has my bag." You turn to George. "Let's go find him together." He grabs your hand and drags you out of the Great Hall. 

George drags you all around the castle trying to find Fred until you do, in the Quidditch Pitch at the top of one of the pillars. Your bad hanging at the top. "Hello down there!" Fred laughs as he flies down on his broom. "Why are you two torturing me?" You ask glaring at the both of them. George puts his hands up in defense. "Why are you looking at me! I didn't put your bag up there, he did!" Fred gives you a cheeky smile before handing you his broom. 

"Go on. Fly up there get your bag." He says. You stare at him for a moment. "You think I could possibly fly a broom and get my bag? I don't fly brooms Weasley." You say and shove his broom back to him. "Yeah this one isn't that fun." Fred whispers to George. You hit his arm and leave the pitch. "I'll just...go to class unprepared. It couldn't hurt to do it once. Could it?" You ask yourself. You're about to enter DADA until someone grabs your hand and spins you around. "Sorry Fred was being an arse. I got your bag back." George says and hands it to you. You take it and thank him. 


Classes finally end so you head to the library to do all of your work you were assigned the first day back. You quickly slip in and sit down in the farthest corner away from everyone. You take out the essentials and start writing the paper that Snape wanted about the Doxycide. "Boo." You jump and throw your book behind you. You turn around seeing George holding his cheek. "Uh ouch Y/n." He says. Guilt comes upon you. "S-Sorry George. I didn't know it was you." You say standing up.

You take his hand away from his cheek and look at the bruise now forming with a bit of blood. "Crap, I'm really sorry George." You say. You take a rag and some ointment out of your bag. You dab it onto his cheek and put a band-aid over it. "There, does it feel a bit better now?" You ask. George smiles and dramatically drops to the floor. "I/m dying! Y/n, you must save me!" He cries. You slap your hand over his mouth. "George! We are still in the library." You whisper.

You pick him up and set him into the chair next to yours. "You must take care of me Y/n." He whines while laying his head on your books. "George, it's a little scratch and bruise. You aren't dying. You'll be fine." You smile. He stops acting like a fool and sits up. "I know I only met you yesterday. but that's the first time you've actually smiled at me." He says. You quit smiling and look away. 

"Oh uh, well..." You say looking down at your book. George moves his chair closer to yours. "It suits you. You should smile more often." He smiles.  

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