Chapter 71

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You finally finished Hogwarts. Seven years of being in the same school. George was happy that him and Fred were actually able to get through Hogwarts. You told George and Fred that you couldn't help out in the joke shop that often as you were planning to. They were sad but accepted it. You told them that you were thinking about taking the History of Magic position at Hogwarts. They both asked why, since you've been talking about becoming an Auror for years.

You came up with an excuse on the spot, saying how you thought being an Auror would be way too much to handle. You felt bad for lying to them but you couldn't tell them the truth. Through out the summer you rarely even went over to the Burrow to see everyone. Your dad didn't want you to go out that much. Didn't want anything suspicious going on. How could you even be suspicious? Not everyone knows your dad is a Death Eater. No one knows you're going to meetings with the Dark Lord. Draco is the only one you could talk to about what's going on. You couldn't tell George, or Fred or Ron or Harry.

No, definitely not Harry. He would be horrified. His trust in you would be long gone. If he ever found out, he'd probably tell everyone.
Draco hasn't been himself most of the summer. It's starting to get towards the end. The new school year is approaching and Voldemort has requested everyone again for a meeting. He folds his hands on the table, looking around at everyone. His eyes land on Draco. "Draco..." He says. Draco looks up at Voldemort. "Y-Yes my lord?" He quivers. "Come over here." Voldemort says, waving his hand towards himself.

Draco slowly stands up and walks over to him. Voldemort takes his hand out. "Give me your arm." Your face drops. You look at Draco who looks like he is about to pass out. He lifts his sleeve up before Voldemort takes his arm, pressing his wand harshly onto Draco's arm. Draco flinches at the paint peering through his arm as the Dark Mark starts to form on his arm. Once Voldemort is done Draco takes his arm back and runs his thumb over it. He sits back down next to his father as Voldemort turns to you. "Y/n." You stand up and walk over to him. You lift up your sleeve and bite your lip waiting for the pain to start.

You feel his wand poke into your skin and unbearable pain starts. You try your best not to cry or make any noise in front of anyone. Voldemort let's go and you take your arm back. You look down at the mark with tears in your eyes. You look back at your father who looks pale. He looks at you before quickly looking back down at the table.

Once Voldemort concludes the meetings you grab Draco's hand and quickly run up to his room. You shut the door after pulling Draco inside. "I-I don't...I don't-" Draco stutters as he pulls onto his hair. "It's okay. It's g-going to be okay Draco." You say slowly inching towards him. "It's not going to be okay Y/n! H-He gave us the Da-Dark Mark." He says sitting on his bed. You sigh and pace his room. "This adds more things to my plate." You mumble looking back down at the mark. "What you mean by that?" Draco asks.

You turn back to Draco. "No one knows about me coming to these meetings. The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione are the only ones who know my father is a Death Eater. I've been lying to everyone about where I have been going these last few months Draco. Having this." You point to your arm. "Is another thing I have to hide from my friends. I've been lying to George all summer saying how my father has been needing me to stay home for 'family problems'. I've lied too many times." You say sitting next to him. Silence sweeps over the two of you.

You sigh, turning to Draco. "It will be okay Draco but, we need to be cautious. Be careful with everything you do. We can't risk anything happening or anyone knowing." You say grabbing his hand. Draco nods and lays his head on your shoulder. "Okay." He whispers.

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