Chapter 52

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George raises his eyebrows and grabs your hand. He looks between your hand and your face. "Umbridge did this?" He asks. You nod. "Do all the teachers do it?" You ask. George shakes his head no before kissing your hand. "Fred and I have never had a detention like this. We need to go to Dumbledore." He says. George takes your other hand and starts dragging you to Dumbledore's office. "That won't be necessary Mr. Weasley." You both turn around see Umbridge standing there with a smile on her face.

"Dumbledore can't interfere with anything I do, the Ministry has given me the power to do anything I need to." She says. You look up at George confused. George rolls his eyes and starts taking you up to the Gryffindor tower. George sits you down on the couch while digging in his pockets. He takes out a tube and starts applying the paste onto your hand. "It hurts doesn't it?" He asks not looking at you.

You nod. He twists the cap back on and puts the tube back into his pocket. "This'll help. I've used this one my younger siblings and Freddie when they got hurt. I make it myself. Since you know, Freddie and I are starting our joke shop. Can't have the little ones get hurt." He laughs. You smile. "Thank you Georgie." You kiss his cheek. George stands up and grabs your hand. "Now come on love, it is dinner time. Let's get to the Great Hall." He says while dragging you out of the common room.

"Alright alright! I'm coming George, no need to literally drag me." You laugh while trying to keep up with him and not trying to fall. "You're too slow." George says. He stops and turns to you. He puts his arms under you, picking you up bridal style.

Everything has been getting worse. Umbridge has made everything horrible. With her stupid rules and her stupid squad, her stupid smile and face. She's made school less fun. It's been a few months since school started and you're walking to the Hog's Head Inn with George and Fred. Harry, Hermione and Ron asked a group of people to meet them there. A lot of people have been shutting Harry out since the article in the Daily Prophet about him.

When you enter the room you're surprised at how many people showed up. You, George and Fred all sit down towards the side of the room as Hermione starts talking. "We need someone to teach. Someone who knows a lot about Defensive Spells." She says looking around the room. Everyone stays silent while looking at the three of them. Harry stands up. "I know a lot of you don't believe me, but we really do need to be taught those spells. We need to be prepared for anything that comes towards us." He says.

You grab George's hand and continue looking at Harry. "Is You-Know-Who really back?" A kid asks. Harry sits back down and nods. "I believe you Harry." A long blonde haired girl says. Everyone in the room agrees with her as well.  Hermione takes out a pencil and piece of paper. They walk over to a table, setting the two items down. Everyone stands in a line and signs their names under "Dumbledore's Army". After you sign your name you smile at them before following George and Fred outside.

"Breaking more rules aren't we Georgie?" Fred asks while elbowing him. "Uh duh. We've broken more school rules than any other person in Hogwarts history!" George laughs. You smile as they both start talking about their joke shop. George stops walking and turns around. "I'm sorry love! I didn't mean to shut you out like that." He says wrapping his arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek a few times. "It's okay George, I liked listening to you and Fred talk about your future." You smile.

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