Chapter 7

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George lifts your head to look at him. "What's going on Y/n?" He asks you. You stay quiet and turn around. "Just leave it." You say and walk back up to the castle. You meet Fred in the Courtyard so you can all go over the plan. "Y/n, you're going to-" "Fly up to the ceiling and set up the buckets. Mostly over Snape's chair but all around the room." You say opening your book. "Good. George and I are going to release oil all over. The clear oil obviously. I also thought you you could tie ropes to the buckets so you could pull it to make the glue and glitter fall Y/n." Fred says turning to you again. You nod and continue reading. 

"Great! This is going to work out perfectly!" Fred smiles happily. "It sure will." George says. Fred says good bye and runs over to some girl from his house. You continue to read until George sits next to you. "Can you please talk to me?" He asks grabbing your hand. You take your hand away while standing up. "I told you to just drop it George. It doesn't matter." You say and start walking away. "But we're friends!" George shouts after you. "Well sometimes you can't tell friends certain thinks cause it will just make the situation worse!" You shout back.

George stops you. "Why can't you tell me this situation?" He asks. You slam your book on the ground and look up at him. "Because it's my business Weasley. Stay the fuck out of it." You say and run. You get to the library and quickly slip into the Restricted Section. Madam Pince let's you go back they whenever you want. You sit down in the farthest corner and put your head in your hands. 

"Exactly why I don't make friends. They say or do something that reminds me of home and I fear they might figure something out then make it worse than what it already is." You whisper. You start to shake. You look down at your hands that are violently shaking. "No, no, no. Not again. Not right now." You whisper. Tears fall down your face and onto the table. You put your head onto the table and cry. The shaking has gotten worse by the minute.

Warm hands grab your shoulders. You sit up, turning around to see George smiling sadly at you. You start crying harder and turn away from him. George turns you back towards him. "I'm sorry. It's my fault this is happening." He says and hugs you. You freeze for a moment, not used to this kind of physical touch. You slowly wrap your arms around his neck and cry into his shoulder. "I can't help but repeat myself, I know it's not your fault. Still lately I behind to shake for no reason at all." You say to him.

George tries to pull away but you pull him closer. "Please don't leave." You whisper. George nods and wraps his arms back around you. "I'm sorry." You say and pull away. You quickly pull away from George, embarrassed that you just showed him that side of you that no one has ever seen before. "Don't be sorry darling. I should be sorry. I shouldn't of kept asking you personal business." He says grabbing your hands.

There's a moment of silence before George speaks again. "Do you..always have panic attacks? You were having one." He says. You nod looking down at the ground. "I feel so embarrassed right now. You seeing me like that. I hate showing emotion in front of people." You whisper, tears pour out of your eyes again. George lifts your head up and wipes all of your tears. "You shouldn't feel embarrassed Y/n. You're human. Everyone shows emotion." He says. You nod again. "C-Can I have anot-another hug?" You ask. 

George smiles and opens his arms. "Of course darling." He says. You slowly get back into his arms, resting your head on his shoulder. "This feels nice. You're warm." You say. "I am quite a warm person." He jokes. You let go of him and set him in your chair. You crawl onto his lap and hug him. "Guess we could sit like this." George chuckles. You hug him tighter. "It's just been so long since the last time I've had an actual hug." You say pulling back to look at him. 

George gives you a sad look. "I don't really get love nor affection from my parents that much." You scratch the back of your neck. George wraps his arms around you and stands up. "G-George! What are you doing!" You say in surprise. "We gotta go meet Freddie. I'll carry you." He smiles and starts running with your in his arms bridal style. You both laugh as people run out of the way for you two. "Where are we going?" You ask looking at him.

"Up to my dorm. We're gonna meet Freddie in the common room when it's time to do our prank." George laughs. You get up to his dorm and he sets you down. "Your dorm is neater than Fred's." You laugh and start to walk around looking at all of the posters and artwork tapes on the wall. "I'm the clean and organized twin." George sets his arm around your shoulders. You look around his room a bit more before your eyes land on a picture frame with a bunch of other red headed people. 

You walk over to it, picking it up. They all look so happy together, laughing and smiling. You laugh at the twins putting bunny ears above each other's heads. "I'm guessing this is your family?" You show him the picture. "Yep, mum wanted a nice one but with seven kids you can't really get a nice picture." He laughs. You look back down at the picture, examining everyone's faces. "I have some family pictures. I'm an only child though and it's nonetheless happy either." You frown at the thought of your family picture above the fireplace in the living room. 

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