Chapter 8

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You continue to stare at the picture in a daze until George puts his hand on your shoulder. You jump a bit and put the picture down. "You're family looks really nice." You say to him. He guides you over to his bed and sits you down. "We're all pretty nice, until someone starts wrestling another and we all start to get rowdy. Mum'll yell at us and throw her silverware while run." He laughs while sitting down next to you.

You look down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers. "I can't believe I'm actually going to join you and Fred in a prank tonight. I've heard of you two before just never witnessed you two playing a prank." You say looking at him. George is smiling at you. "What?" You laugh. George snaps out of his trance and starts blushing. 

"Oh uh sorry." He apologizes nervously. You laugh again and look out the window. "We should probably get down to the common room now." You say turning back to him. "You're staring again!" You smile. George blushes more and stands up. "Let's just go to the common room." He mumbles. You stand onto his bed and jump onto his back. "This is a different side of Y/n." He grabs the back of your thighs as you wrap your legs around him. 

You head down to the common room, Fred is already down there sitting on the couch. George let's you go and you slide off his back. "Perfect! You're here. Now, Y/n I advise that you have the map?" Fred asks. You nod and pull it out of your pocket. He nods. "Let's move. I put the items that we will be needing in a nearby closet next to the Great Hall." Fred starts to march out of the common room. You and George look at each other and start giggling.

You follow Fred closely with George behind you. Fred opens the closet he was talking about earlier and hand your multiple buckets of glue and glitter. You take your wand out to make them all levitate. "George, did you bring your broom?" You whisper to him. "Why yes I did Y/n." He takes something out of his pocket and points his wand at it. "Engorgio." He whispers.

The item in his hand enlarges, realizing it's his broom. "Thank you." You smile and enter the Great Hall quietly. You mount his broom and fly to the ceiling. You tie the buckets all around, making sure to put them where Snape usually sits. You tie a long rope through out all of the buckets and tie the end that you'll pull tomorrow around a statue's arm. 

You look down at George and Fred who are having the time of their lives spreading oil around. Fred throws some at George and snickers. George throws some in return and they get into a fight. "Lumos Maxima." You whisper and the tip of your wand emits. "George and Fred Weasley!" You whisper shout at them. George's face brightens and look up at you smiling. "Quit it!" You warn. 

"That's my girl right there Freddie." You hear George whisper as you come down to the ground. You blush slightly but good things it's dark. "We should get going." You say. You take a step forward and slip from the oil on the ground. You hit your head on the ground and groan. "Shit! Y/n!" George whispers and comes down to your side. "Are you alright?" He grabs your hands lifting you up. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get out of here." You say rubbing the back of your head.

The three of you quickly leave the Great Hall. "You three! Students out of bed! Students out of bed!" Filch shouts from behind you. "Adios!" Fred yells and starts running away. George grabs your hand and you both start running as well. George leads you around a corner and into a tiny broom closet. "Hehe cozy." You joke. He puts a finger up to your lips to shush you. 

"I know you're around here somewhere." Filch says outside the door. You put your hand over your mouth to keep quiet. You look up at George who is staring down at you. The moonlight from the window perfectly hitting his face to show all of his features. "It's quite fun, breaking the rules." You whisper while giggling. George smiles and nods in agreement. 'Gosh this boy has some sort of effect on me.' You think. 

"I can't believe it." You whisper to yourself looking down. "Can't believe what darling?" He whispers and brings your head back up. "Nothing Georgie." You smile innocently. "Wait, sorry,  didn't mean to call you that." You stutter. George smirks and kisses your forehead. "It's quite alright. You can call me that love." He says. You blush and smile.

George's POV

This girl is amazing. She's so beautiful. Her eyes are gorgeous, her smile brings joy to me. Her laugh is angelic. She's everything I could ever want. But, she probably doesn't feel the same. I let go of her face and look out the window up at the moon. "Georgie?" Y/n says. I turn to her. "Yes love?" I say as I push some hair behind her ear. "Thanks for getting me out of my shell. Showing me what it's like to let loose and have fun. I may not be the best at sharing my feelings but I'm honestly glad I met you." She says looking at me innocently. 

I bite my lip while looking at her. God she's so innocent. "You're falling for me. I know it." I wink playfully at her. She blushes and looks away again biting her lip. "I think Filch is gone." I say. I grab her hand leading her out of the closet. 

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