Chapter 5

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You and George spent the rest of the day in the library talking about random stuff and getting to know each other. You both left and started heading to dinner. "Honestly, I don't think you're that much of a buzz kill anymore." George says. You scoff. "That much?" You say looking up at him. "Still bit of a buzz kill. Haven't seen you laugh yet." He elbows you. "Well maybe it's cause you haven't made me laugh yet." You tease as you walk into the Great Hall. 

You start to walk to your table but George grabs your hand leading you to the Gryffindor table. "Again George?" You ask as he sits you down. "Yep! You're gonna have more friends." He smiles. "Ugh, George we tried earlier today. I already told you I'm not the best at this kind of stuff." You groan. George stands up onto the table. "Gryffindor! I want you to meet my bestest friend in the whole wide world! Y/f/n Y/l/n! She's super cool and really friendly! You should come over and meet her!" He yells down the table. 

You cheeks feel hot and you bury your face into your hands. George sits back down and people start walking over. "George I hate you so much right now." You whine and sit up. You smile nervously and shake all the Gryffindor's hands. "See? That wasn't so bad." George says wrapping his arm around you. "It was....different." You smile slightly. You say good bye to everyone head to your dorm wanting for be alone. 

Getting attention like that by people and meeting them felt overwhelming. You enter your dorm and fall onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. "My mother is going to be furious." You laugh to yourself. "Why is she going to be furious?" You sit up looking towards your window. Sure enough, George is sitting on your window sill. "George? How did you get in here?" You ask curiously. "I have my ways." He smiles. 

"Why is your mum going to be furious?" He asks while standing up. You sigh and look towards the floor. "My mother doesn't like the idea of me having friends because they'll distract me from my classes. Even having a boyfriend, she says the same thing. I'm a Y/l/n, and apparently we don't have foolish friends." You say. "We aren't supposed to show emotion. We get good marks in class and be the best. I hate it." You lay back down to stare at the ceiling. 

"that's why I'm always stubborn all of the time." You look towards him. George sits down next to you. "It doesn't kill anyone to have a little fun." He says pushing some hair out of your face. "My father tries to make me have fun but my mother always stops him. I stayed locked in my room every summer studying for the next year so I can be ahead of everyone." A tear falls down your face but you quickly wipe it away. 

"How about this. You join Fred and I's pranks." He says standing up. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look at him. "I already told Fred no." You say. "Damn, well you can't say no to me. I mean look at me. Aren't I cute?" He flutters his eyes. You roll your eyes. "For sure." You say sarcastically. George grabs your hands, dragging you out of the Ravenclaw Tower. "Where are we going now?" You ask trying to keep up with him without him actually dragging you. 

"To Fred's dorm. You're joining us in our mischief." He says happily and throws you into the common room. You stumble but manage to stay on your feet. You look up at everyone who is  staring at you. You wave while George sets his arm around you shoulder, guiding you to Fred's dorm. You walk in and Fred is working on something. "Oh Freddie!" George says in a sing song voice.

He looks up and his face brightens. "Is she joining like you said she would?" He asks. George nods while you cross your arms. "Yes! A Ravenclaw causing mischief with us." Fred says standing on his bed. You sit down in one of his chair. "I hate you both." You say. George crouches down to your level. "You love us! Especially me." He wiggles his eyebrows. You push him away and smile. "IT SMILES!" Fred yells. You flip him off. "Ooohh feisty." Fred laughs. George sits down next to Fred and they both explain their "brilliant plan. "And what am I doing exactly?" You raise an eyebrow at them. 

They both look at each other then you, smirking. "You're going to do the biggest part of the prank." Fred says and throws some parchment at you. You catch it. "What's this?" You ask flipping it over. "The Marauder's Map. We owe them so much. It shows everyone. Here, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George says and points his wand at the parchment. Word pop up while you open it. "A map of Hogwarts?" You say. 

They nod. "What you'll be doig is sneaking into the Great Hall tomorrow night when everyone is asleep to set up buckets of glitter from the ceiling-" Fred starts. "You'll also set up some buckets of glue as well. Freddie and I are going to put oil on the ground and in all the seats." George says. You look at them with wide eyes. "And how do I get up to the ceiling? I'm not having you levitate me." You say. "Georgie will teach you how to ride a broom." Fred says and slaps George's head. George slaps him back and they start wrestling.

You neatly fold the map into your pocket and continue watching them. Fred gets George into a headlock and you laugh. "IT LAUGHS!" George yells. "Finally you made me laugh." You smile.  

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