Chapter 96

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"I have to! If I don't go, he's going to kill everyone and wins!" Harry says. "And if you go, he'll kill you and still win!". You explain. You all walk back into the castle while getting through Death Eaters. "I'm going. I-I'll find a way to get out of it and come back." Harry says before running off. "Dammit Potter!" You yell after him. George and Fred put a hand on your shoulders. "He's saved all of us before, he'll do it again." George says.

Fred nods in agreement. Draco runs up to you three out of breath. "W-Where did...did Harry go?" He asks putting his hands on his knees. "Voldemort called him to the dark forest to 'talk'." You air quote the word "talk". "So he went." Fred says. You groan and throw a spell at a Death Eater towards you. "You discipline me when I do something crazy like jumping off of the Astronomy Tower but you don't discipline Harry for running off to forbidden forest." You mumble and cross your arms at George.

George glares at you as Draco's mouth drops. "You jumped off of the Astronomy Tower?!" He yells grabbing your shoulders. "It's not a big deal like George says it is. Harry and I were trying to get away from Bellatrix. The next best thing to do what jump." You smile. Draco shakes his head before looking at George. "You need to like, put her in a time out or something." He says. You scoff. "I'm 20 now! Not 5!" You whine. George laughs and pats your head. "You sure sound like a 5 year old." He coos.

You slap his hand away and cross your arms again, looking away from both of them. "Where's Freddie?" You look around them. "Uh, I don't know. He was just right here." George says turning around. "Merlin's pants." You sigh and walk past them. "You two go find Remus to see if you can do anything while fighting off Death Eaters. I'll go find Fred." You say before running off down the corridors. You fight off Death Eaters, help some other kids and heal some people while looking around for Fred. You come across someone leaning against a wall, recognizing the red hair you run to them.

You slide onto your knees while grabbing their face. "Fred? Fred can you hear me?" You ask trying to shake him away. You look down seeing a huge red stain on his shirt. "Shit." You whisper. You see him move so you look back up at his face, seeing him looking at you. "Doesn't hurt that bad." He chuckles, wincing at the pain. "It's okay Freddie. I'm right here."

You kiss his head while taking your jacket and pressing it onto his wound. "It's going to be okay Freddie. We're gonna get you all patched up and you'll be good as new! Back to old Freddie." You smile nervously while tying your jacket around his waist.

Fred smiles at you as you finish tying your jacket. "Come on Freddie. Let's get you to the Great Hall. Madam Pomfrey is going to fix you right up." You put your wand away and help Fred up. You put his arm over your shoulder and start dragging him to the Great Hall quickly. "I'm so tired. Can I go to sleep?" He asks while closing his eyes. "Stay awake for me please Fred. Don't go to sleep, you have to stay awake." You plead.

You shake him a bit as you get closer to the Great Hall. "Fred Weasley stay the hell awake!" You cry, shaking him more violently. You drag him into the Great Hall and may him down. "Stay with me Fred. Stay awake for me. Stay awake for George!" You say cupping his face. Madam Pomfrey runs over and starts fixing him, telling you he's going to be okay. You sigh in relief and stroke his hair. Someone comes running into the Great Hall. You turn seeing George will a scared look on his face running towards you. "Is he okay? Where is he? Is he going to live?!" He bombards you with questions with tears falling down.

You look at Fred and George follows you're gaze. "Madam Pomfrey says he's going to live Georgie. I got to him just in time and put my jacket on his wound." George sighs in relief as well and hugs you tightly. "Thank you Y/n. I don't know what I would do without Freddie. He's literally been with me since day one." He whispers. You hug him and rub his back. "I can't have you lose your favorite person." You smile. He kiss your cheek before sitting down to Fred.

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