Chapter 55

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The day goes by fast, after your last class you head to the library to study for an upcoming Defense Against the Dark Arts test. Umbridge hasn't taught anyone anything, only going through the stupid book for beginners. You pull the book out and start writing down notes on the chapter Umbridge gave you today. A chair moves closer to you but you don't bother to look up. "I have a joke for you!" They say in your ear.

Your quill breaks as you turn to see George sitting there with a smile on his face. "Do you have an extra quill I could borrow before you tell me your joke?" You ask. George shakes his head no with a smile still on his face. You sigh and nod your head. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" He asks. You roll your eyes. "Why?" George starts giggling. "To get to the idiot's house. Knock knock." You start packing up all of your stuff back into your bag. "Who's there?" You ask, he starts to giggle more. "The chicken." He breathes out before starting to laugh.

You stare at him for a moment before he looks back at your face. "Ohhh I fucked up." He whispers. You quickly grab your book as George gets out of the chair and starts running out of the library. "George Weasley get your arse back here!" You yell while running after him, waving the book in the air. George starts screaming like a little girl as he  runs around people. "I'm going to beat your arse!" You scream while chucking your book at him.

It hits his back and he dramatically falls to the ground. "Man down! Man down!" He whines and rolls on the ground. You run up to him and hit him with your bag. "Owie! I thought you loved me!" He says while putting his hand up to his forehead. You roll your eyes and pick him up before walking away. George grabs your arm and lightly pulls you back to him.

"Come on darling, I thought you'd fine that one funny. I sure did." He says smiling down at you. "You should tell that one to Snape, and see who's the one that'll get a detention." You huff before turning away again and heading up to your dorm.

"Y/n Y/l/n please report to my office." Umbridge says over the speaker. "Bloody hell, what did I do now." You say turning back around and heading towards Umbridge's office. "Heyyyy Y/n." Someone says while sliding their arm around your shoulders. You look seeing some random brown haired boy. "Um who are you?" You ask raising an eyebrow and shrugging his arm off.

"My name is Ryan, Ryan Martinez." He says smiling at you. "Uh huh, do you need something Martinez?" You say in an annoyed tone. "Ouch harsh, calling me by my last name. I thought we were getting along quite fine." Ryan says laughing. You give him an unfazed face. "Do you actually need something? I have to go to Umbridge's office." You say before walking faster in front of him.

He catches up and grabs your arm, pulling you back towards him. "Aw come on darling. Just wanna know why a pretty girl like you is walking alone to that horrible professor's office." He smiles. You push him away from you. "In case you're new here or something, I'm dating the one and only George Weasley. So would you kindly suck my dick, if you don't like my shit. Now fuck off. And don't call me darling, only Weasley gets to call me that." You flip him off and continue walking to Umbridge's office.
You walk up to the door and knock on it.

Almost immediately Umbridge opens it and smiles at you. "It's nice to see you again Y/n." She says and sits back down. "Um yeah you too. What is it you need Professor? I'm supposed to go watch Gryffindor practice at the Pitch and I have to study for the test we have in your class in a couple of days." You say in a slightly annoyed tone. Umbridge sets her tea down and looks at you.

"You're an amazing student Y/n. You follow the rules, you're doing very well in all of your classes, you're the top student in your year. You take school seriously. I want you to join my Inquisitorial Squad." She smiles. Your eyes widen. "I'm sorry?" You say. Umbridge stands up and walks towards you. "I want you to join my squad. I have a suspicion that a secret group is going around here somewhere and I need your help to find it." She says. 'Oh shit.' You think.

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