Chapter 89

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You and Draco sit at the table together not turning around as Bellatrix tortures Hermione. You tap your fingers on the table until it goes quiet. You turn around confused seeing Hermione laying on the floor and Bellatrix wiping a dagger off with a cloth. "Holy fuck." Draco whispers. You both turn back around and grab each other's hand. "We just stay calm and act like we don't see a thing, right?" Draco says. "Right." You sigh. You look over to the stairs seeing Ron and Harry crouching down.

You nudge Draco and point over to them. Draco follows your gaze and gasps. You slap your hand over his mouth. You take your wand out and gently place it onto the floor before kicking it over to them. Harry mouths "thank you" to you before him and Ron run out to the open. Some of the Snatchers go to grab them but both Harry and Ron knock them back. You stand up and move out of the way as Ron goes to attack Draco. Narcissa comes in as the four of them throw spells at each other.

You see Bellatrix grab Hermione and put her dagger up to her neck. "Enough!" She yells at the four of them. "One wrong move and the mudblood dies." She smirks. Harry and Ron put down their wands as Bellatrix looks at you. "Pick'em up Y/n. Go on." She ushers you. You quickly grab the wands and back up to where Draco is standing. "Now, Y/n will lead you two back down to the cellar. Mudblood and I have some" She slows her words and looks up as you all hear a squeaking noise. "Dobby?" Draco says confused.

You look up seeing a house elf unscrewing the chandelier. "Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter and his friends!" He calls out before taking the screw out. Bellatrix pushes Hermione away from her as you grab Draco and dive away before it comes crashing down. "Good thing my back broke my fall." You groan and sit up.

George's POV
They took her. Death Eaters came, and took her. She's gone. Again. I finally got her back for half of the summer and she's just gone again. My girl is gone. After getting attacked at Bill and Fleur's wedding, I searched for Y/n to see if she managed to get away from those Death Eaters but she was no where close to the Burrow. I haven't seen her in months, again. I don't get why this keeps happening. Y/n doesn't deserve any of this. She tries her best to protect the people she loves and in return she gets kidnapped.

I haven't been able to sleep, eat or work in the shop with Fred. I've been trying to find Y/n to get her back. I won't stop until I find Y/n. Everyone has been worried about me. Fred has been trying to get me to start working again but I can't. Mum has been coming by or having me come home to the Burrow to try and talk some sense into me to at least eat something but I can't. Y/n is my top priority right now.

"George please eat something. You're not going to have any strength to find Y/n." Fred pleads as he sits next to me. I shake my head and push him away from me. "I can't Fred. I have to find her. I have to." I say standing up from the kitchen table. "What if I make you your favorite? That always cheers you up." Mum suggests. I shake my hand and walk into the living room. "Georgie please, just take a break. You're wearing yourself down." Fred says grabbing my shoulders.

"I can't! I promised that we were going to stay with each other forever! I was going to fulfill that promise after Bill and Fleur's wedding when we were alone." I shout. Fred and Mum look at me astounded. "I was going to ask Y/n to marry me later that night. I was gonna take her somewhere special away from everyone because I didn't want to take Bill and Fleur's spotlight away from them." I sit down in the couch and rest my head on my hands.

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