Chapter 30

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The next day your father takes you and George back to Platform 9 3/4. "I'll see you when summer starts dad. I'll miss you." You say hugging him. "I'll miss you too sweetheart. Hope to see you again George." He says shaking George's hand as you continue to latch onto your father. "Come on Y/n, the train is going to leave soon." George says trying to pry you off. You let go and get onto the train.

"What do you think of my father?" You ask George as the two of you sit down with Fred and Ginny in a compartment. "I think you  father is amazing. You have such a nice house." Ginny says. "Thank you Ginny." You smile at her. "Not used to stuff like that I'll be honest." Fred says. You look over at George who is staring down at his hands. "Are you alright George?" You ask.

He nods and fiddles with his fingers. Fred look at Ginny and they both leave. You shut the door and kneel in front of George. "What's wrong love?" You ask grabbing his hands. He just shakes his head and puts his hands up to his face. You sit next to him. You pull him into a hug, laying your head on his shoulder. "I'm not good enough for you." He whimpers.

You grab his face making him look at you. "George Weasley. I love you. You are good enough for me. Like I said yesterday, you literally make me so happy. My father admitted it too. This is the happiest I've ever been. I don't know how else I could possibly say that I love you." You say rubbing his cheek with your thumb. George looks at you with a sad face. "You're never getting rid of me. I'm here forever." You smile.

George starts crying more. "What's wrong now?" You ask frantically looking at his face. "You're too pure! I don't deserve your love! You're so nice!" He cries. You chuckle and pull him into a hug again. "That makes me perfect for you." You say. You kiss all over his face until he starts smiling. "Did that make you happier?" You laugh and kiss his nose. "Yes, your kisses are the best. Now let's cuddle for the rest of the train ride." He says pushing you down on the seat. George crawls on top and lays his head on your stomach. 

You get back to Hogwarts. You and George part ways to put your trunks back at your dorms. "Long time no see Y/n."  You sigh turning around. "What Flint?" You say crossing your arms. "I didn't know that you fathers were friends." He smirks. You roll your eyes. "Me neither. I probably would've known last year but I didn't come home for Christmas last year, I went to the Weasley's home." You say turning back around. 

"Well after you went upstairs, your fathers talked. Something about becoming closer to one another." He says taking your trunk out of your hands. "What are you doing?" You say looking at him. "Just being friendly and helping you carry your trunk." He says. You roll your eyes once again. You walk up to the door knocker and answer the riddle it give. "Thank you for helping Flint. Good bye." You say grabbing your trunk from his hands. 

You closer the door and walk up to your dorm. "Being friends with Flint? No thanks, especially after what happened last year." You groan. You put your trunk into your dorm and run back out to get to the Gryffindor common room. You say the password and walk in. "George is up in his dorm." Lee says. You smile at him. "Thanks Lee." You run up and push the door open.

"Our father said that we should be friends and get along!" You shout. You flop onto his bed  and start hitting your hands on the sheets. "Marcus found me while I was walking to my dorm and carried my trunk for me. That's when he told me what you fathers were talking about." You mumble. You turn your head seeing George standing there with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. You blush and smash your face back onto his bed.

"I'm going to jump off the Astronomy Tower. I'll fucking do it. I'll give everyone fifteen Galleons just for fun." You say. Some rustling is heard before the bed dips down and arms wrap around you. George pulls you onto his lap. "You will not be jumping off the Astronomy Tower darling." He says kissing your head. "I don't want to be friends with him. He can be nice but at the same time he's a total arse to everyone except Slytherins." You say. 

George moves down to your neck and starts leaving kisses everywhere. "And just I haven't forgotten about last year at that party. I don't even know what to do anymore." You sigh. George kisses your neck a few more times before looking at you. "I'm definitely knocking Flint off his broom next Quidditch match against Slytherin." He smirks. You smile and kiss him.  

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