Chapter 41

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You stare at your dorm for what felt like forever until someone's hands met your shoulders. You jump while brushing them off and turning around seeing George crouching down behind you. "Why?" You ask and look back at your dorm. "I set this up earlier this morning after you left your dorm." He says behind you. You clench your fists but soon relax. "I just want to be alone right now George." You say standing up. "I can clean this up for you. I do-" "I said I want to be alone." You say slamming your door shut.

George slides some parchment under your door before leaving. You pick it up but set it on your desk for later. You slowly start cleaning up the glitter and fireworks while listening to soft music. Swaying your hips side to side as you clean. After you finish you leave the music on as you finally take your shower after a long day. You change into some comfortable clothing and lay down in your bed. "Dammit." You whisper as you look at the parchment George slide under the door. You get out of bed and open it.

Hey Firework,

I just want to say I'm sorry for being a pain today. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 10?


You look at the time seeing it's 9:40. The Astronomy Tower isn't that far so you decide to meet him. You slip your shoes on and make your way to the tower. Little flower pedals are thrown all around the steps as you climb up to the top. You admire the little pedals until you see George standing there with a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers. You walk up to him as he stands there nervously. "U-Um these are for you Y/n." He says putting them towards you. You take them and give him a small smile.

"I'm sor-" "I'm sor-" You both cut each other off but smile. "You first." "You first." You say at the same time. You nod your head for him to speak first. "I just want to say I'm sorry for today. Being annoying, spilling ink all over the your papers, putting those glitter canons and fireworks in your dorm. I didn't realized how tired and stressed out you were, I should've checked up on you today to see how you were doing. I'm sorry darling." George says while scratching the back of his neck.

You look down at the flowers and play with a petal before looking up at him with a soft smile. "It's okay Georgie. It's not your fault. I also want to say I'm sorry for flipping out on you in the library and at my dorm. Just all of that made me feel like I haven't accomplished anything." you slowly wrap your arms around George's torso. He picks you up, carefully trying not to squish your flowers.

It's the day of the Second Task. You, George and Fred are walking down to the boats. The three of you take one to get to the stands (idk what the things in the lake are called lmao). Filch sets the cannon off right as you three get there and the four Champions jump into the water. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Wealbees and Y/l/n." You look over seeing Malfoy standing there with Crabbe and Goyle. "Piss off Malfoy. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say." You flip him off and turn your attention back to the water, even though there isn't that much going on. "Y/l/n just gets a worse attitude every year huh?" Malfoy laughs. 

You roll your eyes. "Kindly piss off Malfoy." You mumble. George puts a hand on your shoulder as you start to reach for your wand. "Supporting Pottah? Just like everyone else in what they call a 'school'. I hope he doesn't make it within the hour." Malfoy smirks. You take your wand out and point it at him. "You might want to walk away Malfoy, before I make sure you don't make it within an hour." You say with a slight smirk. "What does she mean?" Crabbe whispers to Goyle. You roll your eyes. "I'll put you lot at the bottom of the lake." You growl. Crabbe and Goyle quickly turn away and run. Malfoy stays there with a smirk. 

"You won't do it." He laughs. You raise an eyebrow. "Wanna bet?" You lift him into the air and dangle him over the edge slowly bringing him closer to the water. He squirms, trying to move back to everyone else but fails. "Alright alright! I'll leave! Put me back!" He screams. People start laughing at him as he yells. You dip him in the water then bring him back up to you. You throw him onto the ground, putting your wand back in your pocket. Malfoy quickly stands up and runs away. You turn back to the edge not acknowledging George and Fred. 

Cedric comes up to the surface with Cho Chang and swims to Seamus and Dean who have towels. Krum comes up with Hermione. Fleur was already with her people, she didn't save her person apparently. "It's been an hour where is he?" You say trying to look more into the water. "Something probably grabbed him." Fred says trying to use binoculars to see into the water. You slap the back of his head. "Those aren't gonna make you see farther under water you toad." You laugh. Ron and a little girl with blonde hair pop up to the surface. "Bloody hell that's our brother!" 

George says. Fred starts running down the stairs to get to him. George takes your hand and follows Fred. Harry shoots out of the water and onto the platform. Seamus gives him a towel while cheering for him. George and Fred check up with Ron while you give Harry another towel. "Little brother is doing okay." George smiles while walking over. "I have a name!" Ron shouts at them.

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