Chapter 46

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You land into a pond. (You know like Harry did in HBP). You look around until you see the Burrow with all the lights on. You quickly make your way through the tall grass and run inside. Everyone stops talking and look at you. "I-I'm sorry. Du-Dumbledore apparated me here." You say trying to wipe your tears. Molly stands up quickly while smiling at you. She runs over and gives you a hug. "It's alright honey. What's going on?" She says pulling back a bit. You look away from her eyes. "I....don't really want to talk about it right now." You whisper. Molly nods and leads you over to the table. "We were just talking about random stuff. Have you eaten yet?" She asks while sitting you down. 

You shake your head no and Molly immediately goes to the kitchen and starts making something for you. You sit quietly as Arthur and another older man talks. "I don't think I've met you before. Bill Weasley." He says extending his hand and smiling. "Y/n Y/l/n." You shake his hand and smile slightly. Smoke starts entering the room. "Mum are you burning something?" Bill asks. "No why....FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!" Molly screams while running out of the kitchen. "What on earth did you two set on fire!" She yells up the stairs. "Nothing mum!" They both yell back while laughing. You giggle at their response. "I'll go tell them off Molly." You say while getting up. 

"Oh don't be silly! I'll go do it." Arthur says while getting up and heading upstairs. Molly shakes her head and goes back into the kitchen. Bill turns to you smiling. "So, how does my wonderful family know you?" He asks. You fiddle with your thumbs for a moment. "I'm George's girlfriend." You blush slightly. Bill raises his eyebrows. "Really? I didn't think George could get someone like you. I don't mean it in a bad way! Promise! He's really out going and loud, while you're kind of quiet." He says. You shrug your shoulders. "I am quiet sometimes. I pull pranks with George and Fred though." You say. There's an explosion then a loud burst of laughter. 

"BOYS!" Molly yells while running upstairs. "That can't be good." Bill laughs. You nod in agreement. "Ouch mum!" "We're sorry! We didn't mean to blow our room up...again." You look past Bill seeing Molly with Fred's ear in one hand and George's ear in the other. You cover your mouth with your hand to cover your laughter. "I've told you two enough with the Weasley products under this roof! Either go outside or don't do it at all!" Molly yells and throws them into the kitchen. "Do the dishes. NO magic." She says.

You stare at the table until Molly sets a plate of food in front of you. "Thank you Molly." You say smiling. "Of course dear." She smiles. There's a loud bang from the kitchen. "How about I take this one Molly." You say getting up quickly and entering the kitchen. When you enter, there are bubbles everywhere and the water over flowing from the sink. George and Fred have pots on their heads, a fork in one hand and a pan in the other hand using them as shields. "On guard brother!" George says. They both start sword fighting with the forks. You lean up against the door frame and watch for a little bit. "You two do represent toddlers." You say out loud to them. They both jump and turn towards you. "Darling! When did you get here?" George runs over and hugs you.

 "I got here about 30 minutes ago. Dumbledore apparated me here." You say, kissing his cheek. "Why did he bring you here?" Fred asks while taking the pot off his head. "Family problems." You lie. Technically you're not lying, you are having family problems with your father at the moment now. "Is Harry upstairs with Ron? I have to talk to him about something." You ask looking up at George. He nods before leading you up to Ron's room. "Got here this afternoon after he went home for a bit from the station." George says. You peek your head in seeing Harry and Ron sitting on the floor with cards. "Um Harry, could I talk to you for a moment?" You ask. They jump and turn towards you. "Y/n! When did you get here?" Ron asks. "A little bit ago. Harry?" You say looking over at him. 

Harry nods and stands up following you out. "What's up Y/n." He asks. You sigh before grabbing the bottom of your shirt and playing with it. "I asked you if you could remember anything else from that last Death Eater at the Graveyard. I'm sorry to bring it up again. I know Cedric's death kind of hit you hard." You apologize. Harry waves his hand. "It's fine Y/n. What about that last Death Eater?" He asks. You look towards the ground, avoiding his eyes. "Y-You saw my father there." You whisper. You feel him shift in his position. "I-I promise I didn't know. I just found out not that long ago. And...And I don't have the Dark Mark. Look!" 

You quickly pull both of your sleeves up. You look up at him with a scared expression, like he's going to go and tell everyone. Harry pulls you into a quick hug. "It's okay Y/n. It's gonna be okay." He says. You nod while pulling away. "Please don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone to know right now." You whisper. He nods before going back into Ron's room.

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