Chapter 14

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George pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. "This is fun." He whispers. You smile. "It is." You whisper back. George takes your hand and you walk out of the closet. Rain drops hit the windows as you're walking. You admire all of the little drops racing down. George makes a quick turn and you're outside. "Care to dance?" He asks bowing and putting his hand out for you to take. "I'd love to." You smile taking his hand.

He rests his hand on your waist as you put yours on his shoulder. You lay your head on his chest as you two dance in the rain. You both slowly move side to side. George spins you again and kisses your lips. You smile and lay your head on his chest once more. You start to him quietly as you two dance. "So this is love." You sing softly. "So this is love." George sings with you. You listen to his heart beat as it calms you down. 

You start to shiver in George's arm with his drenched clothes sticking to your body. "Let's go back to my dorm darling and get you warmed up. I can feel you shaking." He laughs quietly. "But I wanna continue dancing." You pout. George brushes some loose strands of hair away from your face and kisses you. "We can dance in my dorm if you want. Let's go get some dry clothes on." He says. You agree and the both of you head back up to his dorm.

You take a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants from his closet and change. You crawl into his bed, wrapping his blankets around you. You snuggle into them, taking in the scent of George. You smile to yourself and close your eyes. "You're forgetting about someone." You open your eyes seeing George standing there. You open your arms and he crawls into them. You wrap your arms around him as he lays his head on your chest. 

"My feet are cold." George whines. You lift your head up seeing half his legs are out of the blanket. "Bring your knees up Georgie." You say laying your head back down on his pillow. You pull George closer to you as you close your eyes. "You're really liking this aren't you?" He laughs. You smile and kiss his head. "Very much. It's so warm. You're so warm. How are you so warm all of the time?" You ask and look at him.

George is looking up at you and smiling. "What? You're being weird." You say. George shakes his head and moves up a bit to kiss you. "You're just cute. I like this cuddly side of you." He says digging his head into your chest. He sets his hand on your stomach and you fall asleep.


"I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO SAY!" You shout as you pace in the Owlery with George petting his family owl Errol. "Let's take some deep breaths okay? In through the nose, out through the mouth." He says grabbing your hands. You do as he says and you calm down. "How about I write 'Hey mum, I know we haven't written to each other at all but I thought you would just like to know something. I know what you said it would distract me from my classes but it hasn't! The thing I have to tell you is that I have a boyfriend.' Does is sound reasonable?" You ask looking up at George.

"That sounds good. Write that down and send it out." He says and slaps your ass. "GEORGE WEASLEY!" You shout smiling and punch his arm. "Ouch! Okay okay! I'm sorry." He says and starts laughing. You write down the letter for your mother and tie the piece of parchment around an owl's leg. You send it off and sit down on George's lap. "Fifteen Galleons I get a letter back saying she's disowning and I'm not apart of the family anymore." You say blankly staring at the floor. George lifts your head up. "She isn't going to disown you. You're her daughter." He says. "Parents disown their children all of the time. It happens a lot." You say standing up.


It's been a few weeks since you sent your mother that letter. She hasn't sent you anything back.George had been taking you to different hidden places around Hogwarts to get your mind off of it but you just can't. "Match against Ravenclaw. Gonna come and support me?" George asks as he pulls you into a closet. "Hmm, I don't know. Might have to cheer on my house but I heard we suck." You giggle. He wraps his arms around you. 

"How about a good luck kiss? Again?" He smiles. You shrug. "I guess so. It seemed to work the last time." You say. You cup George's face and plant a kiss on his lips. The closet door opens and McGonagall is standing there. You quickly let go of George's face and turn to her. "Hello Minnie. Just couldn't wait to see me eh?" George jokes and smiles nervously. McGonagall almost cracks a smile but stops herself. "I'd advice you to get to the pitch Mr. Weasley. And you'll both be serving detention with me Monday after classes." She says and walks away. 

You blush and look away from George. "Now that she's gone, let's get back to it." He says leaning down to kiss you again. You put your hand over his mouth. "You should probably get down to the pitch Georgie." You say and walk out. 

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