Chapter 31

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"Can we just not go to classes today? I'm so tired. Break was so fun and I miss not doing anything." You whine as you hold onto the door frame for dear life. "Y/n we have to go to class. Our grade depend on it!" George says as he tries to pull you off. "But I'm doing fine in my classes! I could skip a day or two!" You shout. You try kicking him off but it's no use. "What are you two shouting about?" Hermione asks walking over. "Y/n won't let go of the door frame. I keep telling her we need to get to class but she won't budge." George huffs.

Ron and Harry walks over. "My marks are fine! Let me be here in peace!" You say. Ron and Harry look at each other before walking over to you and hanging on to the door frame. "Our marks are fine." Harry says. Hermione glares at them. "You both are failing Divination, Potions AND Charms." She says. You look at them. "How in Merlin's fucking beard are you failing Charms? That's the easiest class here." You laugh. 

George grabs your legs again and starts pulling. "No! I don't wanna go!" You shout. "Alright that's it." George takes his wand out and points it at you. "Rictusempra." He says. You start laughing and let go of the door frame. George throws you over his shoulder and starts walking out of the common room. "I hate you."  You laugh as you start to calm down. "You love me." He says. 

He sets you down outside of Herbology before you two walk in. Professor Sprout walks in with a big smile. "I've been waiting for this plant." She says. She picks up a pot with a weird looking plant and puts it on the table. "Chinese Chomping Cabbage?" You say in fear. "Yes Y/n. Well done! Five points to Ravenclaw." Sprout says. She goes on about what you have to do with this plant. 

"I'll give you three Sickles if Lee gets bit by it." You whisper to George while pointing at Lee. George smirks while looking down at you. "You're on. But just warning you, Lee is quite careful in this class." He whispers. You start replaying the instructions in your head. You start working with the stupid cabbage you got and try not to get bit. "OUCH!" You look up seeing Lee holding his finger. 

You smirk and hold your hand out. "Bloody hell, that git." You hear George mumble as he sticks his hands in his pockets. George gives you three Sickles while you giggle. 


George and you are walking up stairs to get to Transfiguration. You casually move closer to George. "What are you planning darling?" He asks looking at you. "Oh nothing." You smirk. Right after George nods, you push him down the stairs. You run for your dear life trying to get away from George and get to Transfiguration on time. 

You quickly open the door. "Phew sorry I'm late I was....doing things." You say scratching your neck. Heavy footsteps come closer to the door. George comes running in out of breath. "She pushed me down the fucking stairs!" George says pointing to you. "Push is suck a strong word. I prefer to call it, giving you a little nudge." You smirk. The whole class looks at you two. "Oh I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up yo ass." George says coming closer to you. "Hey! Watch your fucking language in front of the professor!" You say pointing at McGonagall. 

You both look at McGonagall who has here hands on her desk with her head down. You hear a slight giggle come from her. McGonagall stands up straight with a straight face looking at you two. "Would you two please care to sit down?" She asks pointing to the empty desks in the back. "I'd love to Minnie, only if you give Y/n detention!" George smiles. You shake your head. "I gave him a little nudge! He's just clumsy and couldn't stand up right." You say crossing your arms.

You and George start arguing while smiling and laughing. McGonagall takes you both outside. "You two have to give me something to work with. I can't let you two get away with everything." She smiles. You and George smirk at each other. "Minnie loves our little mini duo we have." George jokes. McGonagall laughs. "I have to give Dumbledore ten Galleons now." She groans a bit.

"What were you two betting on?" You ask. "Just go back in there and act like I just yelled at you two and gave you detention." She says pointing towards the door. Both of you walk in the class smiling and giggling with each other. McGonagall walks back in with a straight face and goes on with the lesson. George leans over to your ear. "I would like to know why you pushed me down the stairs darling." He asks.

You giggle and look at him. "Becausseeeee, you didn't let me stay at your dorm." You whisper. George rolls his eyes and places his hand on your thigh. "You're such a baby." He laughs. You punch his arm. "Am not! My marks are fine Weasley." You say. 

Class ends and you are walking to lunch. "Hello Y/n." You mentally scream. "Hello Marcus." You grunt. "On your way to lunch I see?" He says. You nod. "Well I'll see you around." He winks and walks away. You flip him off as he walks away with his back turned. You sit down with George. "Could you possibly hit Flint in the head with a Bludger? Make him lose his memory for a bit like Oliver did?" You ask him. "I can make it happen." George says and kisses you. 

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