Chapter 60

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You get off the train with your back pack and look around for your father. You decided to give him a chance to explain but you're not sure if you want to attend that meeting. You walk around the station trying to find your father before two men come up to your. "Y/n?" They ask. You nod slowly. "Come with us. Your father asked us to bring you to him." One of them says. You nod again before following them out.

They both grab your shoulders and apparate to a dark, cold room. "Stay here." They say before leaving the room. You sigh before dropping your backpack on the floor and looking around the room. Nothing special. Dark room, dark walls, dark bed sheets, dark everything. "This place gives me the creeps." You chuckle to yourself. The door knobs starts turning. You take your wand out and point it towards the door. The door opens revealing your father standing there.

You lower your wand while staring at him. "I'm glad you decided to give me a chance Y/n." He says as he slowly walks into the room. You nod and sit down on the bed. It's quiet for a moment before you decide to speak. "Why did you keep that a secret from me? For all these years?" You ask. Your father fiddles with his thumbs before starting. "I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to be apart of it. I didn't want the Dark Lord to do anything to you. You're the only person I have left now." He says looking back at you.

You nod before looking out one of the windows. "Where are we exactly?" You ask. "Malfoy Manor." You whip your head towards him. "Malfoy Manor? As in the Malfoys?" You ask. He nods. "The meeting is about to start. I want you to attend, nothing will happen I promise. The Dark Lord has been wanting to meet you and Draco." Your father says before turning towards the door. "Draco is here too?" Your eyes widen. "Yes, now come please Y/n." Your father pleads.

You change into a short black dress before following your father downstairs. He grabs your hand and leads you to double doors. You start to shake a bit, trying not to let your father notice but you fail. "It's okay to be afraid Y/n. I'll be right next to you the whole time." He says looking down at you. You nod and take a deep breath. Your father pushes the doors open and slowly pulls you into the room.

Everyone in the room turns their head towards you and your father. "I wondered when you were going to show up...Liam." You freeze a little before you feel yourself being pulled again. You look around the room when you spot a particular white haired boy. His eyes widen in shock as he sees you. You sit down next to your father. "And this is the lovely...Y/n?" Voldemort says. You slowly pick your head up to face him and nod. Voldemort smiles before looking around the room at everyone else. He goes on to talk about Harry and how he should kill him.

You stare down at your hands in your lap.  You look up slightly to look around at the Death Eaters sitting at the table. You catch Draco looking at you. You furrow your eyebrows slightly before looking back at your lap. "Y/n..." You shiver before looking up towards Voldemort. "Yes?" You whisper. "What do you know about Harry Potter?" He asks. You avoid eye contact with him, moving your eyes towards Draco who is lightly shaking his head no. "N-Nothing. I know nothing about Potter." You say.

Voldemort frowns a bit. "Hm, I thought you'd know more about the boy since you're dating a Weasley." He says. You sit up more and turn your attention back to Voldemort. "As I said, I know nothing about Potter. I don't talk to him as much as most people. I'm just trying to graduate Hogwarts, not worry about some 5th year." You say. Voldemort nods then turns to your father. "Are you sure you don't want her t-" "Yes I am sure My Lord. She doesn't need it." Your father says. You look at him with a confused face but brush it off.

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