Chapter 85

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You look up at him as he looks at you confused. "I'm sorry that I almost had to kill a man who you trusted. I'm sorry I promised I wouldn't be like my father." Your voice cracks as tears fall down your face. Everyone stays quiet and processes the new information. "She didn't have a choice. Her father forced her to join Voldemort. She hates having the mark." George says rubbing your forearm. Everyone stays silent until Harry speaks up. "Well you can go now. I'm sure the Weasley's wouldn't want someone in their house. Traitor." He spits and walks out of the kitchen.

You wipe your tears and stand up. "Y-Yeah, he's probably right. You guys wouldn't want to be around someone like me. It was nice to see you again." You say, turning to leave until someone grabs your hand. You look back seeing Ron grabbing your hand. He stands up and pulls you into a hug. You stand there dumbfounded, confused why Ron was hugging you after telling them you were a Death Eater and how he responded to your dad being one as well. "I don't hate you, just so you know. I didn't mean to freak out when we all found out your father was a Death Eater."

He squeezes you a little tighter. "Everything is going to be okay." He whispers. You slowly nod your head and wrap your arms around him. Molly stands up and walks over to you. Ron let's you go and sits back down next to Hermione. Molly grabs your arm and lifts your sleeve up revealing your mark. "I knew there was something wrong. You were itching your arm a lot during Christmas." She says sadly. "S-Sorry." You whisper. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." She hushes you before pulling you into a hug.

"But I do have everything to be sorry about. I joined the other side, I have to participate in whatever Voldemort has for the future. Harry hates me because of it." You cry into her shoulder. Molly rubs your back and tries to calm you down as you cry harder. She looks over at George who stands up and walks over to you. "Come on honey. Let's get you up to my room." He says pulling you towards him. George picks you up and starts carrying you up stairs.

You two pass Harry in the living room on the way. You let out a loud sob as you dig your head into the crook of George's neck. "You should know she ever wanted this to happen Harry. But you're just too caught up in calling people traitors who didn't have a choice." George says towards Harry before walking up stairs.

George lays you down on his bed and changes your clothes for you. You don't protest knowing he's just going to shush you. He lays you down and gets your comfortable as he goes and changes into different clothes as well. After he does that he lays down next to you on his side. He brings his hand up to your face and pushes some hair out of your face. You turn on your side to face him as he smiles at you. "Have I ever told you how absolutely beautiful you are honey?" He asks you.  You smile slightly and nod. "Almost everyday you do Georgie." You sigh.

George kisses your cheek and pulls your closer to him. "Can I ask you something Y/n?" He asks sitting up a bit. You nod and sit up as well. "Why do you keep saying how you don't want to be apart of what Voldemort is planning for the future?" You look down at your hands. "I don't exactly know what's going to happen but, he's planning something. Something big." You gasp and get out of his bed. "Where are you going?" George asks but you ignore him while walking out of his room.

You walk down the hall to Ron's room and open the door. Ron, Harry and Hermione turn to you while sitting on the floor. "I need to tell you three something right now." You breathe out. Ron and Hermione turn to listen but Harry scoffs and turns away. "It's important Harry. You need to know!" You yell. Harry snaps his head back towards you. "It's probably something fake, Voldemort probably told her something to tell us to lead us to him!" He yells.

Hermione smacks him with a book. "It's about what he's planning, Harry. I want to help you. I'm on your side." You cross your arms. Harry rolls his eyes and scoffs again. You walk in slamming the door behind you and walking over to Harry. You grab his hair and face him towards you. "You will sit down, shut up and listen to what I have to say Potter." You growl as you pull into his hair. You push him back and sit down next to Hermione.

"Voldemort is planning something for the future. Something huge against us. I don't know what exactly but I have a feeling it's going to be bad." You look around at them as you see their reactions.

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