Chapter 99

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You stare at him for a moment before smiling. "Hi Georgie! I didn't realize you were there." You say and quickly wrap your arms and legs around him. "Because you're drunk darling." He kisses your neck before trying to put you back onto his bed. "Y/n I need you to let go." He says grabbing your waist and trying to pull away. You start giggling and cling onto him tighter. He sighs and sits on his bed, pulling you away enough to look at you. "What will it take for you to stop clinging on me, change to more comfy and clean clothes and to lay down?" He asks while stroking your cheek.

You think for a moment before giggling once again. "Marry me!" You yell and throw yours hands into the air. George looks at you surprised, not expecting that type of answer. He thought you would've said ice cream or something like that. "Y-You want to actually marry me?" He stutters a bit. You nod and okay with his hair. "I-I know I'm drunk but...but drunken thoughts are sober words. Wait, no that's not it. Drunken words are sober thoughts." You say before starting to doze off. You move forward and lay your head on his chest. You fall asleep fast as George holds you, still surprised by your answer.

George's POV

She said she wants to marry me. I didn't know she felt the same way as I do. We have been dating for so many years and know everything about each other. Maybe I should finally man up and do it. I've had the ring since seventh year anyways. Why not say fuck it and ask her. But....she is drunk. She's probably not even realizing what she's saying so she can't stop herself from saying anything.

What if she's right, with the drunken words are sober thoughts? Is that even true? I look down while rubbing her back, seeing Y/n peacefully asleep on my lap.  I sigh and give her a few light kisses on her face before standing up and getting some clothes out for her.

Your POV

You wake up the next day with a huge headache. You start to sit up before a huge pain in your stomach stops you. You look around you and realize you're in George's room but George isn't in there. You sigh and slowly sit up this time and stretch. You put your hair up before putting on one of George's jumpers and leaving the room. You walk out of his room and enter the kitchen seeing Fred making something on the stove. He turns around and smiles at you. "Good afternoon sleepy head. It's almost 12:30." He laughs.

You roll your eyes and hop onto the counter. "Here." He says pushing a mug towards you. "This will help with the hang over." You nod and take it. "Thanks." You mumble before taking a drink. "George said he was going to be back around 1. And told me to tell you to not go anywhere until he gets home." Fred says while putting a plate in front of you. "You had a rough night and you're probably hungry by now." He kisses your head and limps to the living room as the door opens. "Alright I'm back Freddie. Has my wife waken up yet?" George asks while taking off his coat.

Fred smirks and looks over at you who is confused. "Did you ask me to marry you last night?" You ask, scare that your drunken state might have said something. George spins to face you while turning red. "N-No! I didn't ask your drunken side to marry me! I'm not like that!" He exclaims while walking over to you. You sigh in relief. "Good, I didn't want my drunken self to say no to you when I want to say yes." Your eyes widen at what you just said. You look up at George who is trying to bite back a smile. "I uh, um.." You blush darkly and hide your face in your hands.

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